Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Inside the innovation lab solving climate financing

    Turning climate solutions into opportunities for investment can help mobilize capital to address climate change. The Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance (The Lab), part of the Climate Policy Initiative (CPI) based in San Francisco, California, promotes public-private partnerships to reduce the risk of investment in large-scale projects. Nature Based Solutions, such as the Lab’s initiative to restore mangroves in the Philippines, contributes tremendous economic value in areas like flood mitigation.

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  • The Viking Guide to Oil Wealth Management

    Norway has been able to have a productive relationship with oil companies, while, at the same time, retain control over resource development and grow its resource revenue. Through the country’s culture of local control and indigenous governance, its resource revenue is over $1 trillion and helps pay for some of the country’s social programs; a model that could be potentially work in other places around the world.

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  • What about city spending?

    Hartford, Connecticut has made significant cuts to city spending in an effort to ensure the revenue they get from taxes goes further. The mayor ensured tight spending by working with local union groups, ceasing new borrowing projects, and cutting the number of unnecessary full-time positions in the city. With the frugal spending, the city has lowered its deficit while not burdening residents with high tax rates.

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  • Telluride isn't immune to Colorado's high country housing problem. But it's finding a solution in diversification

    While towns across the Mountain West struggle to provide affordable housing, Telluride looks to diversification of housing to build sustainable, economically beneficial houses and apartments. From tiny homes to dormitory-style apartment buildings, the city's developments leave room for singles and families alike, and easily afforded with government bonds and subsidies.

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  • The Street Corner Answer

    Access Ventures, a community development organization founded in a Louisville neighborhood, uses a comprehensive investment approach that encourages funds to be dispersed in all issue areas. Instead of creating one "affordable housing fund" or "homeless services fund," the group interweaves investment strategies, making sure to look at the bigger community picture when laying out an investment plan.

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  • Ikea's innovation lab unveils a plan to help people cash in on solar energy

    Ikea's innovation lab, Space10, piloted a block-chain powered solar energy grid as a way to creatively save money on electricity and create a sustainable energy alternative. Other microgrids around the world have seen success in allowing people who are part of the system to sell their excess energy and only use what they need.

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  • Lions, leopards, and ... lessons? How safari tourism boosts rural education.

    The Ugandan government is shifting tourist dollars to focus on rural education, dedicating 20% of money spent in safari tourism on developing schools in rural communities. While the country has been working for years to dedicate some tourism funding to rural communities, local officials have changed the focus to renew schools that are falling apart or don't have enough resources to adequately teach local children.

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  • With no upfront costs, this innovative financing tool makes energy efficiency affordable to all

    North Carolina’s Roanoke Electric Cooperative is helping members bring down energy costs. Because the energy costs in this area is due to a lack of energy efficiency, the cooperative offers tariffed on-billing to help homes offset expenses like insulation and new heat pumps. The tariffed on-billing uses federal loans to pay for said expenses, and then the customer pays the tariff charge in their bill – which ends up being lower because of the energy efficient upgrades.

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  • Mourning the Demise of a Zen Place to Die

    Instead of simply prioritizing growth, nonprofits need to implement carefully sized solutions with consideration to the longevity of their model. The closure of the Zen Hospice Project in San Francisco, California, demonstrates how issues stemming from rapid growth scaling can undermine the longevity of a nonprofit’s mission. As the hospices’ human- and mindfulness-centered approach faded in the face of expansion, the toll and tensions led to a loss of crucial human capital, leading the hospice to close.

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  • Community Solar Developers Get Creative to Finance Big Projects

    Organizations across the country work to make sustainable solar energy accessible for low-income communities. Through creative financing models that allow community members to maintain ownership over their neighborhood solar panels, these organizations keep financing in the hands of community members rather than corporate entities.

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