Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Just a click away: Apps bring doctors to your home

    Since 2015, telemedicine has been helping connect doctors with people in rural parts of Kenya, which has proven to be crucial during the coronavirus pandemic. Although not all insurance companies have made the process easy and some residents don't trust the use of technology to keep their data safe, the practice has seen a significant increase in people with chronic diseases utilizing the system as a means of limiting their exposure to situations where they could be exposed to the virus.

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  • The doctor is online: Telehealth may become big part of new normal

    The move to telemedicine was made necessary due to the coronavirus outbreak, but in Vermont, many health clinics are planning to continue incorporating the practice even after the pandemic dissipates. Although there are limitations to telehealth such as connectivity issues, many health care providers in the state are reporting that the elimination of barriers for their patients are still significant successes.

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  • Solutions to restore inmates' mental health and get them to trial

    In Texas, legislators and advocates are working to address mental health concerns for individuals entering or in the criminal justice system. For those already in jail, telepsychiatry is being offered to help rehabilitate inmates. For those just entering the system, a mental health court in Travis County has been developed to connect people with needed mental health services so that they can stand trial and even have their cases dismissed.

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  • Virtual house calls flourish in the age of coronavirus

    A community health care clinic in Oregon’s Wallowa County has been able to offer mental health services to its clients during the coronavirus pandemic thanks in part to an already-established virtual practice. In place to better serve the rural community, the clinic's telehealth option has gained even more popularity since social distancing became a necessity. Although the practice isn't without its limitations, such as access to internet, overall, the expanded access has helped reduce the impacts of isolation.

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  • COVID spurs rural telehealth, but not without hardship

    To better address the necessary adaptions made to the health care system during the coronavirus pandemic, such as utilizing telemedince to abide by social distancing regulations, health insurance companies in North Carolina have altered their billing rules and increased reimbursement rates for virtual appointments. Realizing that telemedicine isn't ideal for all patients due to connectivity inequities, medical centers are also trying to offer WiFi hotspots and outdoor visits in parking lots.

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  • A ‘Pandemic's-worth of Triggers' Are Causing an Increase in Relapses Across the Country. Here's How Appalachians Are Coping.

    Stay-at-home orders and social distancing can worsen opioid addiction problems, and so some health providers, social media, and agencies in opioid-heavy Appalachia have devised ways to turn a threat into an opportunity. To counter isolation and denial of in-person counseling, forums on Reddit have thrived as virtual support groups. Video conferencing has proved a boon to telemedicine and counselors, extending the reach of services. Treatment providers and even Kentucky's prisons are distributing medications in novel ways to help people maintain sobriety and avoid overdoses.

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  • 'How Can I Help You?' Schools Try To Reach Students Struggling With Mental Health During Coronavirus

    The Los Angeles Unified school district has shifted how it’s helping to support students’ mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. By opening up a mental health hotline, they are able to connect students and their families with members of the Crisis Counseling and Intervention Services Unit to help provide emotional guidance and support. Since opening, they’ve already served over 3,500 individuals and are working to develop plans for long-term support.

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  • Amidst coronavirus fears, Nigeria's pregnant women turn to remote consultation and online groups

    Pregnant women in Nigeria are turning to virtual support groups to help manage anxiety and fear they feel about delivering a baby during the coronavirus pandemic. Although the telehealth transition for doctor visits has provided more limitations than success, the use of WhatsApp and Telegram for support groups has been received well as a means of creating connections.

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  • How Birth Doulas Are Helping Parents Navigate Coronavirus

    With restrictions on visitors in hospitals, expecting mothers are bringing their doulas, via computer, into their delivery rooms. While virtual conversations may not be what new mothers were hoping for, in a strained and on-edge health care system, a voice from the computer can still be a powerful advocate for new mothers, especially African-American mothers who face more bias and obstacles in navigating the health care system.

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  • Mental health care becomes team effort in NH as coronavirus pandemic increases need for working together

    New Hampshire's community mental health centers are working together to deliver both in-person and telehealth services to community members during the coronavirus pandemic. All 10 of the state's centers are "sharing ideas and helping each other with what is working and identifying what isn’t working," while also working to help reduce barriers to health care access for those experiencing homelessness.

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