Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Why you don't hear about the ozone layer anymore

    In 1987 ozone levels above Antartica had dropped by fifty percent. Scientists convened to discover the cause and found it was being depleted due to a chemical called chloroflourinecarbons commonly found in aerosol cans. In order to tackle the problem, scientists and leaders created public conferences to inform the public. The conferences created public pressure on world leaders to act and eventually led to the "Montreal Protocol," which called for the phasing out of CFC's. By 1989 consumption of CFC's plummeted. The ozone started healing and by 2065 is expected to completely recover.

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  • Nigeria is struggling to end open defecation, but a grassroots campaign is trying to change that

    Open Defecation Free Nigeria works to stop people from disposing of human waste in public areas by building public toilets. The organization has built 66 so far and manages a group of volunteers who educate residents about the dangers of public defecation. Encouraging behavioral change is key to ending the practice of open defecation. Fundraising and the sale of private household toilets funds the public toilets, which are tailored to the needs of a community. Most contain a biodigester system that turns waste to liquid or compost manure, which can last for decades and is easy for communities to maintain.

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  • Fridge detectives

    In the first half of this episode, the producers discuss "Tradewaters," an organization that disposes of canisters inside refrigerators. These canisters hold potent greenhouse gases. One 30-pound canister can leak up to 131 tons of Co2, or a year's worth of driving for 54 cars. The organization disposes of thousands of canisters across Central America, Chile, South Africa, and India. The practice of disposing of these canisters saves between one to two percent of global Co2 emissions, according to estimates.

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  • Beirut Is Greening the Aftermath of Disaster

    In 2020, a devastating explosion in Beirut that came from a warehouse released 800,000 and one million tons of construction and demolition waste and 20,000 tons of shattered glass into the city. The waste was being thrown into landfills. However, landfills are notoriously bad for the environment. Out of that rubble an idea was created; disposing waste sustainably. Rubble Mountains was created specifically to do this. They've been able to restore four quarries, use materials to create public amenities, and diverting up to 50 tons of demolition waste from landfills.

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  • In Assam, ATMs purify arsenic-laced water

    A water management committee manages Barigaon’s water ATM, which uses a nanotechnology-based ion exchange resin to remove iron and arsenic from groundwater. Residents, who swipe a pre-paid card to collect water in their own containers, pay 40 cents per 20 liters or a flat monthly fee of less than $3. Water is free for families who can’t afford the fee and delivery is arranged for those who are unable to transport water. Around 250 villagers use the ATM each day and its success inspired five additional ATMs, with plans to install 172 statewide. Fees cover maintenance and the landowner’s electricity costs.

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  • Can Ontario boost EV battery recycling before it's too late?

    After lithium-ion batteries from iPhones, laptops, or electric cars are used up, the Ontario-based company LiCycle recycles parts of them to be reused in new batteries or in other products. While the recycling process isn’t completely environmentally friendly, the company is able to recover 95 percent of the raw materials and says their operations produces no carbon emissions, wastewater, or solid waste.

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  • Ten years after Fukushima: could new fuels make nuclear power safer?

    After the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, scientists are looking for ways to ensure the future of nuclear power is safer. One possibility is improving the protective barrier that surrounds the fuel pellets. They coated the fuel road with chromium and in tests, the new coatings performed well. However, modeling suggests that the chromium-coating might not provide enough time to stabilize a power plant during a meltdown. Still, these materials have started to appear in commercial nuclear reactors and could help reduce fuel waste and save money.

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  • How Newark Water Coalition Is Bringing the City Clean Water Without Plastic Waste

    Since it was reported that Newark’s lead levels in the city’s drinking water were higher than federal standards, the Newark Water Coalition installed a Water Box. This is a portable filtration system that removes contaminants to provide 10 gallons of clean water each minute. The organization worked with another nonprofit that implemented a Water Box in Flint, Michigan, to secure funding to install three others in the city.

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  • The country rejecting throwaway culture

    Paris hosts a dozen "repair cafes," which are free, monthly events where residents can fix household objects and electronics with the help and advice of volunteers. The events usually have about 25 attendees who seek to limit the vast amounts of household waste, particularly E-waste, by repairing broken electronics and appliances. France's National Assembly also introduced an index of "repairability" ratings for appliances such as washing machines, lawnmowers, televisions and smartphones, in hopes of increasing the percentage of electronics that are repaired rather than discarded.

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  • Saving Slovenia's "Human Fish"

    Scientists in Slovenia are working to understand the mysteries of salamanders — known as olms — that live in natural caves and how best to protect this vulnerable species. Industrial pollution infiltrates the water systems where these creatures live, however more research is needed to understand how climate change and humans impact them. Recent efforts with captive breeding and rescue programs have shown success, but more international collaboration and funding are needed to fully understand this unique species.

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