Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Scientists are using bacteria to remove harmful contaminants from our water. Here's how.

    It turns out that bacteria can do a lot more than contaminate water--some species break down toxic chemicals and remove heavy metals. Active sites already clean water in states like Kansas, Utah, Texas, and California; for example, one Californian groundwater treatment plant can clean 2,000 gallons of perchlorate-contaminated water per minute. Though some logistical and technical hurdles remain, these bacterial allies in the fight against water pollution are very promising.

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  • After A Run Of Tainted Food Scandals, Women In This Country Took Control Of The System

    Following the nuclear disaster in Fukushima, a group of women took the initiative to ensure that the food they consume meets radiation standards twice as strict as the government's. The Seikatsu Club formed in 1965 and has since built itself up to 400,000 members (about 90% of whom are women) and works with 200 producers. The group is highly productive: they run their own milk factory, join with worker collectives to sell goods like jam or cookies, operate a fund for farmers whose products are tainted, offer child and elder care, and much more. Seikatsu is a success due to its local citizens' control.

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  • How One County Became a Lab for California's Prison Reform

    After San Joaquin County adopted a slew of criminal justice reforms, crime dropped by 20 percent, the lowest number in a decade. One of the things that was implemented were speciality courts aimed at decreasing arrest time and helping “former prisoners find jobs, housing and treatment for mental health and addiction problems.” Other measures include ending cash bail and racial bias training. “Crime has always been issue No. 1, but the narrative in this city is one about being a second chance city.”

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  • Florida's Counties Grapple With the Rotten Harvest of Red Tide

    The Red Tide that hit the coast of Florida in 2018 resulted in a massive amount of waste and dead sea species washing ashore. With no protocol in place to clean up the toxic mess, counties had to learn while doing. From failures to successes, the state is now better equipped to mobilize should a similar event happen in the future.

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  • Poisoned Wildlife and Tainted Meat: Why Hunters Are Moving Away From Lead Bullets

    An elk hunt in Oregon shows one way states regulate lead ammunition by prohibiting hunters from firing lead bullets in some state wildlife areas. It’s part of a wider effort to eradicate lead ammunition that can contaminate game animals as well as other species that scavenge their carcasses. Other states and the federal government have tried more widespread bans, but those have brought pushback, while alternative approaches include education and financial incentives to avoid lead ammunition.

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  • This Ohio Paint Production Experiment Creates Art — and Potentially Jobs — From Polluted Mine Sites

    In Ohio, artists and scientists are teaming up, turning hazardous mine run-off into paint pigment. High demand for such pigment, public funding, and enthusiasm for clean waterways could go a long way to mitigate water pollution.

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  • Science Supports Supervised Injection Sites. Why Don't Politicians Agree?

    Years of research across countries has now shown that safe injection facilities correlate with fewer overdose deaths, but the United States as been slow to adopt this solution. Often deemed as controversial on the argument that these sites could enable further drug use, results from a facility in Vancouver go against this narrative by showing an increase in detox enrollments, rather than an increase in consumption.

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  • Why aren't we mining landfills for valuable materials like metals and soil?

    Across the country, projects that mine landfills for reusable metals and soils are underway. Can such mining prove profitable enough to spur similar efforts on a grand scale? So far, some projects have seen profits while others have not. But as society increasingly values pollution and greenhouse gas reduction, incentives for refuse mining can only grow.

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  • Bugs and Birds: New Residents of a Greener Madrid

    With a little strategic planning, cities can nurture biodiversity in the urban environment. “Sometimes, small actions can bring incredible results,” says Antonio Morcillo, deputy director for conservation of green areas and urban trees in Madrid. The city is allowing the Manzanares River to flow, spontaneous vegetation to grow, and opening hundreds of birdhouses and insect hotels to counteract habitat loss.

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  • We really do have a solution to the opioid epidemic — and one state is showing it works

    In order to tackle opioid addiction, the state of Virginia found a way to make drug treatment accessible to people with medicaid by boosting “reimbursement rates to addiction treatment providers.” Historically, drug treatment hasn’t been covered by health insurance. Virginia is changing that. Already, “the percent of Medicaid members with an opioid use disorder who received treatment went up by 29 percent from April to December 2017 compared to the same period the previous year.”

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