Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Hope from the Pulpit: The church easing transport woes for Malawi's riverine pregnant women

    David Gordon Memorial Hospital, owned and run by the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian Synod of Livingstonia, bought two ambulances to transport pregnant women to health clinics for free. Malawi has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world and women living in rural areas must travel long distances at great expense to reach well-equipped care. Since 2017, the seven-seat ambulance speedboat has ferried 861 pregnant women and a road ambulance has transported 1,000 women to the hospital. Nonprofits help support the ambulances’ operating costs, which can be high, especially the speedboat.

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  • A Thin Green Line With Global Impact

    For over a decade, environmentalists, Indigenous tribes, ranchers, politicians, scientists, and fishers in the Pacific Northwest have been able to defeat more than 20 proposals from coal and oil firms to ship fossil fuels from their ports. Through protests, public hearings, and petitions to government agencies, activists blacked almost every fossil fuel effort in the region between 2004 and 2017.

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  • Colombia's sustainable forestry drive boosts biodiversity and business

    The Colombian government has been working with regional regulatory agencies, the World Wildlife Fund, and local forest communities to encourage sustainable timber production and the implementation of forest management plans. They launched the Legal Wood Pact — a commitment with 69 entities to exclusively use wood from legal sources. While it can be difficult to convince people to purchase sustainable timber that’s more expensive, the sales of legal timber in the country increased from $500,000 in 2011 to $13 million in 2018.

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  • Cold Hard Cash for Your Greenhouse Gas

    Refrigerants being used in old air conditioners or grocery story cooling systems leak into the atmosphere contributing to global warming. Tradewater, a company in Illinois, picks up these containers, destroys the refrigerants, gives them cash, and then sells them as carbon offset credits. They collect up to 250,000 pounds of refrigerants per year, but there is still more out there. Supermarkets in the United States could switch to more natural refrigerants, but barely 1 percent are known to have done that. Getting rid of these refrigerants can be an important solution to combating climate change.

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  • Truck Convoy Brings Boon to Town Plagued by Violence

    Truck convoys ensure safer journeys for drivers and their goods around Kanyabayonga, an area that experiences intermittent instability and violence between armed groups. Up to 100 trucks carrying goods like charcoal, bananas, or lumber line up most days and wait for permission to continue their journey. The local economy has benefited, with restaurants and stores popping up to accommodate the influx of people. A ban on night time driving to prevent threats from armed groups has also supported the growth of a hotel industry, with 15 informal hotels now in operation.

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  • Could carbon-removal tech make travel more sustainable?

    Climeworks, a Swiss start-up, is using technology to suck carbon out of the air and turning it into stone, essentially cutting greenhouse gas emissions from the atmosphere permanently. Their plant in Iceland is able to turn 50 tonnes of carbon to stone per year. While that amount of carbon won’t solve the climate crisis, they are expanding their work to other countries and are launching a personal carbon removal subscription service as a way for the travel industry to help offset the carbon that they emit each year.

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  • The revolutionary boat powered by the ocean

    Since the Philippines relies on boats to transport people and goods across the island nation, a shipbuilding company is designing a new low-carbon alternative of the bangka — a traditional Filipino boat — that uses the waves of the ocean to power it instead of fossil fuels. The ship, known as the trimaran, uses wave energy that converts into electricity for the ship. However, a typhoon and the COVID-19 pandemic have delayed the project, and there are also cost and design challenges. But the trimaran’s use of wave energy could be a step toward reducing the country’s greenhouse gas emissions.

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  • Fishermen sell their products at farmers' markets for the first time in Guanacaste

    In Costa Rica, the Guanacaste Chamber of Fishermen, known as CPG launched an initiative to help local fisherman making a living during the pandemic. Most of them sold their product to hotels, but due to the pandemic, 140 hotels closed. The initiative, known as Arroz y Frijoles has helped. CPG buys fish from the fishers, then sell it at the farmers’ markets. ““Fortunately, sales have been constant, we’re getting out a few fishes, around 30 to 100 kilos per night.”

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  • The ancient technology getting a second wind

    Old ships, powered by the wind, are being refurbished to sail small amounts of cargo around the world. While there are only a few hundred still in use, newer ships and sails are being designed and built with new technology to make the vessels more fuel efficient and produce zero emissions. While many of them are in the prototype phase, some of these ships are able to go into smaller ports and harbors that larger vessels can’t reach.

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  • The man feeding a remote Alaska town with a Costco card and a ship

    To better meet the demands created by the coronavirus pandemic, a local grocer in a remote town in Alaska is redefiing and reforming how the local supply chain operates. A series of preemptive moves – such as creating partnerships with suppliers and purchasing their own barge – gave the father-and-son grocer team more control over operations and has allowed the store to offer supplies that have been in high demand nationwide.

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