Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Minnesota Deploys Drones to Care for Aging Bridges

    Bridges don't last forever without at least some occasional repair, but how do city officials know when an aging bridge is in need of reconstruction? Typically, an individual has to bungee down to inspect it or specialized (and extremely expensive) equipment must be employed. That's why Minnesota is testing out the use of drones to do the work. Although not able to be used in every instance, these specialized drones that can be flown sans GPS, are able to get to places originally untapped during bridge inspections and so far have proven to be a highly useful tool.

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  • Can red-light cameras help curb Milwaukee's reckless drivers?

    A columnist looks at the proposal to bring red light cameras to Milwaukee after a string of horrific car accidents where a driver blew through traffic lights. The piece covers a good deal of data on the efficacy of red light cameras in Chicago and elsewhere, pointing out the positive results of fewer crashes while pointing out the flaws, such as an increase in rear-end collisions. The author also explains how he reported the story and provides numerous links to resources so readers can continue to explore the topic.

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  • One woman's simple recipe for a happy street

    In an attempt to fight childhood obesity and social isolation in Bristol, the organization Playing Out is helping kids exercise more. They are creating a way for children to safely be physically active in their neighborhoods by closing off streets at certain times each week. The UK government created a system for streets to apply just one time for weekly events, and now the system has spread to 40 UK local authorities and cities around the world, including Toronto.

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  • Can optical illusions trick drivers into slowing down?

    Lead-footed drivers are a problem everywhere, and cities around the world have struggled with ways to get vehicles to slow down, especially in dense areas where the risks to pedestrians are acute. One clever solution is popping up on numerous roads around the world: 3D decals on the pavement that look like floating blocks, speed bumps, or small children. The decals create an optical illusion that is proving to help slow down speedy drivers, and for a fraction of the cost of speed bumps or traffic cops.

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  • As hundreds of golf courses close, nature gets a chance to make a comeback

    More golf courses are closing than are opening, allowing the rare opportunity to have open space in an urban environment. Restorations are becoming popular to allow wildlife and humans to make use of the natural space through the encouragement of different animals and plants to inhabit the same area as well as the development of parks and bike paths to foster human use.

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  • Love in the Time of Car Crashes: A Screenplay

    Volunteer first responders in Vientiane, Laos, are working to reduce traffic accident deaths by increasing response speeds. The team can arrive in 3-5 minutes, which is 2 to 3 times faster than the typical response rates in the United Kingdom and in California, United States.

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  • The Compass, Making it Work: Navigating Kenya's Streets with Technology

    Entrepreneurs and startups in Kenya and India are finding success creating products that meet the needs of poorer citizens in those countries. This episode includes a story about a mobile phone app that tackles the difficulty of finding locations in Nairobi using GPS coordinates and a photo, a startup near Bengaluru, India that uses human ATMs to help rural residents access cash via mobile phones, and a Kenyan company building devices that create free public wifi.

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  • GPS darts help stop high-speed police chases

    With the help of a grant, the sheriff’s department in Lucas County is using GPS-enabled darts to catch criminals who run. Instead of engaging in a dangerous high-speed chase, officers can tag the car with a dart, watch where the car goes on a computer, and meet it when it stops.

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  • Atlantic City's Tourism District Has A Needle Problem. It Can Be Fixed.

    A needle exchange in Atlantic city has resulted in used needles visibly strewn around the surrounding area, which is also a popular area with tourists. The government as well as locals aren't happy with the the needle hazard which has resulted in solutions such as a program to incentivize users to return needles, drop boxes around the city for needles, and moving the needle exchanges outside the tourist area.

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  • The slow lane: Dutch app allows elderly to 'hack' traffic lights

    In the Netherlands, city councils are piloting remarkable new technology to make roads safer and friendlier for cyclists and pedestrians through the use of apps that improve the efficiency and sensitivity of traffic lights to the elderly, disabled, and young children. Improved traffic flow is a key part of the way forward into a greener, safer urban future.

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