Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Police face a 'crisis of trust' with Black motorists. One state's surprising policy may help.

    A new Virginia law restricts when the police can stop motorists, limiting the chances for inequitable law enforcement. Barred from stopping vehicles based on minor infractions like a broken taillight, police in the first four months under the new law sharply reduced their stops of Black motorists. Police say such stops are a key tactic for getting guns, drugs, and dangerous people off the streets. But they also can be racially motivated, disproportionately punish people of color, and lead to violent confrontations. Many states and cities are considering dialing back traffic enforcement for these reasons.

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  • 'A Beautiful Feeling': Refugee Women In Germany Learn The Joy Of Riding Bikes

    The nonprofit, Bikeygees, teaches refugee women how to ride and repair bikes. Many of the women come from countries where they weren’t allowed to ride bikes, which are a staple mode of transportation in Germany. Volunteers in 15 locations have taught 1,100 women how to ride a bike, and many more have learned to fix bikes. Bikeygees has distributed 400 ‘bike kits’ that include a bike, helmet, lock, and tools to women who learn how to ride a bike, how to fix a bike, and the German rules of the road. These skills help the women to integrate into German society and feel a sense of freedom and self-sufficiency.

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  • The Car Crashes That Go Undetected

    The Vision Zero program many cities use to reduce traffic deaths depends on data to inform where to target safety measures like redesigned streets and speed limits. But, when significant numbers of crashes, particularly involving pedestrians and bicycles, go missing in the data, the interventions miss the problems. Racial disparities in unreported crashes or unresponsive police mean that the problems are compounded in under-served areas. Data improvements in D.C., San Francisco, and other cities aim to fill the gaps so that the benefits of Vision Zero can extend to places where they're needed most.

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  • How HAWK beacons save pedestrians' lives

    Pedestrian-activated traffic signals that flash red to allow people to cross busy streets midblock have saved lives in one of the nation's most dangerous cities for pedestrians. On one stretch of Phoenix highway where three people were killed within one month, there have been no deaths in the three years since a HAWK beacon was installed. The city has installed 66 of the lights, supplemented by pedestrian education and traffic enforcement. Since 2018, pedestrian fatalities – which make up half of Phoenix's fatal accidents – have fallen by one-third.

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  • Get There Fast or Safe? A Crowdsourced Map Gives You the Option

    In 71 cities around the world, users of the My Safetipin mobile app can decide whether to visit a particular neighborhood or plan a travel route based on how safe others deem those places. While the 100,000 or so users, more than half in India, constitute too small a user base to make the mapping app truly universal, its crowdsourced data already have prompted the Delhi and Bogota governments to improve street lighting on streets deemed unsafe because they are not well lit. The app's primary goal is to make the streets safer for women.

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  • An Initiative to Improve Street Safety through Public Art

    Street murals and innovative safety features have transformed a dangerous intersection. The Kansas City project not only improved the aesthetic, it also decreased noise pollution, pedestrian crossing distances, and vehicle speeds by 45 percent.

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  • Can ‘Open Streets' Outlast the Pandemic?

    Many cities created "open streets" during the pandemic, limiting traffic on certain streets to give people a safe outdoor place to relax and play. Which programs outlive the pandemic depends on a host of factors, most especially how community-led the programs are. In Queens' Jackson Heights neighborhood, a densely populated community with many immigrants, closing a major street didn't work when police were at the barricades. But, under the leadership of the community, the daily closure turned into a street party and community-building event that is causing the city to rethink basic urban-planning concepts.

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  • Las Vegas's Traffic School for Pedestrians

    In Las Vegas, pedestrians and drivers ticketed for unsafe behavior can get their fines voided by taking a three-hour class called PedSAFE. More than 2,800 people have taken the class and, say its sponsors from the University of Nevada Las Vegas, graduate with a better understanding of how to keep pedestrians safe on Las Vegas' wide, pedestrian-unfriendly streets. While helpful, the program does not address more long-lasting fixes, such as ending racially inequitable jaywalking enforcement and designing safer streets.

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  • Taking cops out of traffic stops: Would it make a difference? North Carolina examples offer a clue

    For four years, Fayetteville, N.C., police virtually banned their officers from making traffic stops for petty violations having nothing to do with traffic safety, but increased their enforcement of speeding, red-light, and drunken driving violations. During that time, traffic fatalities decreased. So did the use of force by police, complaints about the police, and injuries to drivers and police. About half as many Black drivers' cars were searched. Unnecessary traffic stops can strain police-community relations and show bias against non-white drivers.

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  • Road Salt Is Imperiling Aquatic Ecosystems. It Doesn't Have To.

    An experiment in upstate New York showed how town officials could maintain clean and safe roads during the winter season and protect the environment. By using a salt brine before winter storms, they were able to plow the roads more efficiently and, at the same time, reduce the amount of salt going into waterways that could impact freshwater ecosystems. The effort, launched by the nonprofit FUND for Lake George, required “a culture shift within the towns’ maintenance departments,” but the communities were able to cut their salt usage in half over two years.

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