Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How Vancouver is protecting itself from future flooding — with plants

    Large cities like Vacounver and Seattle are increasingly leaning towards "green infrastracture," a method of managing stormwater through natural systems like green roofs and rain gardens that absorb rainwater. Cities have traditionally relied on traditional sewage systems, but in the face of climate change, and more intense storms, its proving to be inadequate. Green infrascture lowers flood levels, filters out pollutants in the water, and regulates city temperature. In Seattle, an early adopter of green infrastructure, rain gardens absorbed 1.5 trillion liters of rainwate.

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  • Can Removing Highways Fix America's Cities?

    One of the first cities to undo the damage that mid-20th-century urban highways did to neighborhoods has filled in a sunken highway and opened streets to new shops, pedestrians, and bikes. After more than two decades of planning, Rochester got rid of part of the Inner Loop that bisected the east side of its downtown during a phase of highway construction that prized suburban commuters' convenience over city residents' homes. The conversion to a thriving neighborhood will take more than just new streets and buildings, but the project serves as a template for dozens of infrastructure projects nationwide.

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  • Bogota crowdsources a green transport future to cut emissions

    Citizen participation in meetings, door-to-door surveys, and via an open-source online platform where residents could edit and add to draft plans resulted in 7,000 citizen proposals to redesign one of Bogota’s major, car-choked, 23-km thoroughfares. Residents as young as 10 years old contributed to design plans that will cut climate-changing emissions and pollution by adding more bike lanes, pedestrian paths, and electric buses and cable cars. City officials spent substantial time listening to residents’ ideas and concerns, including talking with populations that are often ignored by those in power.

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  • This South L.A. startup will turn your front lawn into a farm

    A startup in California called Crop Swap LA is converting unused front yards into community gardens that can grow crops like kale, rainbow chard, and tomatoes as a way to feed neighbors. Community members can pay for subscriptions for up to $43 a month to receive a bundle of greens and vegetables from the microfarms and homeowners get a share of the profits. Each garden needs to have the proper maintenance, which can make it difficult to scale, but these gardens can help provide access to food to those who don’t have a grocery store in their area.

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  • In Nashville, Using Loan Guarantees to Fund Affordable Housing Preservation

    Urban Housing Solutions, a Nashville nonprofit housing developer, made a $19.2 million investment to preserve 165 apartments for people earning in the mid-30s. In a tight and expensive housing market where aggressive investors often outflank nonprofits seeking to provide lower-cost housing, UHS financed the purchase with a bank loan that will earn the lender state tax credits and that was secured by four philanthropic foundations' funds as collateral. The transaction was a first in Nashville for the use of community investment tools to preserve lower-cost housing.

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  • Sun Peaks' potential journey to economic sustainability

    Whistler, Canada, has taken specific steps to work towards economic sustainability. Those measures include affordable housing for workers, a year-round tourism model, and amenities that contribute to a high quality of life for residents. Whistler has created a model that Sun Peaks, British Columbia, could benefit from implementing as well.

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  • Beautiful on its own: Boulder County housing authorities employ human-focused design to improve outcomes for affordable housing residents

    In land-scarce Boulder, where high demand has priced many people out of the housing market, government-funded affordable housing has used human-focused design to look every bit as attractive as more expensive housing. Mixed-income developments like 30Pearl, accommodating formerly unhoused and developmentally disabled people, among others, combine quality construction and spacious design with a variety of programs like day care and job training, to improve residents' living conditions.

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  • Africa's Solar Street Lights Offer Glimmer of Potential

    Solar-powered street lights have replaced the shoddy conventional lighting in Jinja City, Uganda. Solar-powered panels and batteries power lighting that is not only cheaper but is also more reliable and has resulted in social and economic benefits too. Safer streets, higher business revenue for businesses that can operate at night, and a boost in the tourism industry are just a few of the positive outcomes.

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  • The Atlanta BeltLine Wants to Prevent Displacement of Longtime Residents. Is it Too Late?

    The Legacy Resident Retention program is helping longtime homeowners remain in their homes despite rising taxes and property values in Atlanta, Georgia. The program aims to mitigate gentrification and displacement as a result of the Atlanta Beltline development and has helped 21 families by covering the cost of increased property taxes.

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  • How to Resolve Community Conflicts

    Community organizing effectively blocked many development projects on O‘ahu that, while involving desirable outcomes like renewable energy, public parks, or affordable housing, failed to consider input from local communities about the potential impact of the developments. Some developers engage local stakeholders early and often in the process, finding that small changes to plans can sometimes avoid conflict altogether. Companies, such as Hawaiian Electric, require community outreach in the first stage of all projects, which has led to the creation of long-term value and positive social impact programs.

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