Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Ideas from Oklahoma can help NC plan for future of increased flooding

    Eastern North Carolina -- an area increasingly affected by flooding from hurricanes -- looks to Tulsa for long-term, financially sustainable solutions to routine flooding. Tulsa's comprehensive approach includes regulating building in floodplains as well as building vast drainage systems in all high-risk flood areas. The city implemented a storm water mitigation fee to residents' water bills in order to make flood insurance among the cheapest in the country.

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  • Climate Resilience on Detroit's East Side

    Working toward environmental justice takes organizing on the community level. In Detroit, the Women of Empowerment promote resilience against the adverse effects of climate change on the city’s east side by spearheading projects that range from legal cases to the installation of solar panels. The group also partners with local nonprofits like the Eastside Community Network and Heatwaves Housing and Health (HHH), to collect data that can inform climate-resilient city planning.

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  • Život po uhlí. V čom sa môže horná Nitra inšpirovať príbehom belgického Genku

    Belgický Genk je vynikajúcim príkladom toho, ako môže Slovensko prejsť k postindustriálnej a ekologickejšej budúcnosti. Mesto "vsadilo na inovácie a kreativitu", aby prinavrátilo pracovné miesta a presvedčilo mladých ľudí, aby zostali v tejto oblasti. Genk vybudoval centrum pre výskum zelenej energie, investoval do startupov v oblasti zelenej ekonomiky, podporoval umelecké inštalácie a zameral sa na poskytovanie kurzov a rekvalifikácie, aby pomohol baníkom zmeniť povolanie.

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  • Can We Turn Down the Temperature on Urban Heat Islands?

    Researchers are using citizen science volunteers to more accurately identify hot spots in cities, where some temperatures are significantly higher than their surrounding areas. The data has also shown that there is a correlation between lower-income neighborhoods and higher temperatures. Climate change is expected to increase the number of extreme weather events, including heat waves, so mapping these urban heat islands can help cities develop new urban planning strategies.

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  • ‘I just want more for them': New program aims to boost families' economic mobility

    Economic mobility becomes far more attainable when children grow up in a "high-opportunity" area as opposed to a "low-opportunity" area: housing within the city with access to transportation and amenities, higher-performing schools, and lower crime rates. An enhanced voucher program through the Charlotte Housing Authority offers families housing vouchers to move into high-opportunity areas. They also offer incentives to landlords who accept the vouchers, such as up to $1,000 to repair damage beyond normal wear and tear. The program is still new, and it will take generations to see its affects.

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  • Heat is deadly—even in Montana. But the city of Missoula is doing something about it.

    Adapting to climate change takes planning and partnerships. In Missoula, Montana, partnerships with nonprofits like Thriving Earth Exchange (TEX) and Climate Smart Missoula reinforce the city’s climate planning. TEX connects cities and urban planners with professors, experts, and other nonprofits that can assist in tackling climate change issues. By layering socioeconomic data over a heat map of the city, TEX scientists could reveal populations at highest risk of extreme temperature impacts. The team then shared data with health officials, policy makers, and the community.

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  • Springfield could be a template for Bridgeport

    Springfield, Massachusetts leaned into urban renewal and public-private partnerships to keep their local economy alive amid the manufacturing downfall. Now, Bridgeport - a town of similar size and economic fate - looks to Springfield as a model for success at it struggles with its own economic insecurities.

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  • Solar Panels as Solution for SEPTA's Power Outage Problems

    Storing solar energy improves the resilience of public transportation systems to disruptions in the energy grid. With the potential of extreme heat or weather conditions to cause issues in the reliability of electrical power, Philadelphia’s SEPTA public transportation system has begun to invest in solar power. By storing solar energy in batteries at various hubs, the public transportation system can avoid delays caused by local outages.

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  • These Austin Tiny Homes Could House 40% of the City's Chronically Homeless Population

    A tiny home and RV community outside of Austin, Texas does more than house the homeless; it provides community and economic independence. With backing from local business, nonprofits, and religious institutions, Community First Village houses over 200 people and provides residents with ways to find jobs in the community as well as access to healthcare information and services. With homelessness on the rise in Austin, Texas, one community has a solution that includes housing, employment and above all a sense of social connection.

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  • Can Flexible Pricing be Fair?

    San Francisco is using technology to calculate the cost of parking throughout the city, depending on the demand in specific neighborhoods at any given time. While critics were wary of the effect flexible pricing would have on lower-income residents, the pilot program resulted in lower parking costs on average and demonstrated that flexible pricing could promote equity. In other cities around the world, flexible pricing systems implemented through the use of technology have been effective in raising revenue from higher-income people and neighborhoods to reduce prices and reinvest in equitable solutions.

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