Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Could a historic Sacramento corridor hold the key to solving the region's housing crisis?

    After decades of planning and development, Sacramento’s R Street corridor went from an area full of abandoned warehouses to a flourishing, walkable neighborhood. The city planners’ prioritization of building high-density housing, bringing in new businesses, ensuring access to a light rail transit line, and safe, pedestrian-friendly streets helped this project succeed.

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  • These thermal images show how Phoenix uses technology to keep cool

    The Office of Heat Response and Mitigation works to address the urban heat effect caused by intense summer temperatures. The Office has worked on several practices like coating streets and surfaces in light-colored, water-based asphalt treatments that reflect sunlight and absorb less heat than standard pavement. So far, 100 miles of residential roads have been covered in the treatment and roads with the treatment have an average surface temperature that is 10.5 to 12 degrees Fahrenheit lower than traditional asphalt.

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  • Norris Square organization increases community access to free internet

    Philly Community Wireless addresses the digital divide in the area by developing a community-owned, Wi-Fi mesh network. The community-owned structure means the network doesn’t rely on power lines or subscribers but instead runs on partnerships and grants, providing people with free internet access. Antennas for the network can broadcast within a 100 to 200-foot radius and there are currently 30 Wi-Fi access points throughout the city.

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  • An Urban Oasis

    The First Nations Garden, run by the Chi-Nations Youth Council, is a gathering space for the area’s 65,000 Native people, providing them with a garden and a highly-requested green space that hosts regular events and provides cultural resources and education while fostering community.

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  • The River Walk transformed San Antonio. Could Panther Island do the same for Fort Worth?

    A grassroots campaign to build out a river walk with walkable commercial and residential districts boosted economic development while improving flood control in San Antonio, Texas.

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  • Pedalear en la selva de concreto: la Bogotá que se mueve diariamente en bicicleta

    Bogotá ha construido más de 600 kilómetros de ciclorrutas en menos de dos décadas, y se han cuadruplicado los viajes en bicicleta como resultado de la suma entre un papel activo de la ciudadanía y la voluntad política.

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  • Beyond the Yuck Factor: Cities Turn to ‘Extreme' Water Recycling

    San Francisco is popularizing centralized water reuse systems that collect blackwater from toilets and sinks and greywater from showers and washing machines to clean it and use it again. This is a cheaper, more sustainable option for nonpotable water used to water plants or flush toilets in a city struggling with water scarcity.

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  • Cities Are Becoming More Like Sponges

    One of China’s many “sponge cities,” Haikou, experiences virtually no flooding after transitioning to primarily green, nature-based infrastructure instead of gray infrastructure like concrete and flood barriers. Prioritizing things like parks, wetlands, mangroves, and permeable pavement allows the city’s ground to soak up more rain.

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  • Imagine a Renters' Utopia. It Might Look Like Vienna.

    Vienna’s public housing is affordable, full of economically diverse residents, and extremely popular. The housing units are open to almost anyone, as 80 percent of residents qualify, and once you sign a rental contract it doesn’t expire even if your income increases. Plus, the rent can only go up based on inflation if it increases by 5 percent in a year.

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  • Sacramento outperforms other major cities in affordable housing production but misses state quota

    Sacramento, California, is increasing the number of affordable housing units built in the city by implementing deed restrictions that limit prices and require occupancy by low-income residents, providing free permit-ready building plans for accessory dwelling units, and prioritizing quick approvals by the city government.

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