Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • In Cleveland, co-op model finds hope in employers rooted in the city

    To combat the rapid decline in Cleveland's economy after the manufacturing collapse co-ops have stepped in. Co-ops help residents of poor neighborhoods find jobs, build stability and buy houses. They benefit other organizations by helping them to invest in the community.

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  • The Unsung Government Program That Gives Federal Property to the Homeless

    Thirty years ago, the U.S. Congress created a process called Title V that requires excess federal land be offered to state and city governments and nonprofits for homeless services. Hampered by challenging obstacles throughout the process, only about 900 acres across the country have been converted to shelters and other facilities. Now streamlined and improved, Title V is poised to make a much greater impact.

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  • Dismissed: Tenants lose, landlords win in Baltimore's rent court

    Baltimore is home to the nation’s first housing court. Established 70 years ago, the court was supposed to hold landlords accountable for code violations, such as failing to provide heat, remove lead paint, or respond to pest infestations. But today, even if city inspectors deem properties so endangering to health and safety that they are uninhabitable, judges routinely require tenants to pay withheld rent before cases are even heard.

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  • You Can Invest Directly Into Building Bike Paths, Better Schools

    The startup Neighborly is making municipal bonds feel relevant. Rather than investing in a “muni” bond indirectly through a retirement fund, individuals can now directly purchase these bonds and target the money to areas they feel passionate about, whether that is building bike lanes in Vermont or investing in schools in Massachusetts. Neighborly is building renewed interest in the municipal bond market while generating more funding for important infrastructure projects.

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  • A fascinating new scheme to create walkable public spaces in Barcelona

    Barcelona is combating its rampant CO2 emissions from cars, by creating super-blocks. Super-blocks are an area within the city dedicated to pedestrians where cars can only travel at a very low speed. This model has decreased CO2 emissions and reduced noise levels while increasing economic activity and revitalizing the urban space. This model could be applied in the U.S. to make cities more pedestrian friendly.

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  • How to Turn Neighborhoods Into Hubs of Resilience

    Community development programs in cities around the country show how using connectedness and equity as focal points in sparking community change can be successful and sustainable in the long-term. From a Brooklyn grassroots environmental justice organization sustainably rebuilding after Superstorm Sandy to a coalition of nonprofits in Richmond fueling public participation in renewable energy awareness, these entities rely on relationships, equity and bonding over shared communities to foster solutions.

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  • These cities have great, but sometimes strange, ideas on transit. Which ones can Toronto steal?

    Toronto wants to improve its transit system, perhaps there are solutions that can be applied from other cities. Changing the way parking is priced, improving bus shelters, implementing more highway tolls, and having automated subways are all possible options.

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  • Renewables roadshow: how the 'nonna effect' got Darebin's pensioners signing up to solar

    Although solar installations have been on the rise, it's often those that could most benefit from this renewable energy source that can't access it. The Darebin City Council in Australia recognized this challenge faced by very low-income households, and began what is now known as the Solar Saver program. Although it initially began as a way to help these families cut electricity costs, it is now focused on making solar more accessible by providing no cost installations and a 10-year payment plan that ultimately helps the families cut costs.

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  • In Beijing, Two Wheels Are Only a Smartphone Away

    As Beijing grapples with pollution caused in large part by the increase in cars on the roads, a tech-based solution has appeared in the form of forward-thinking bicycles. The Chinese bike-sharing system, spearheaded by several startups, allows commuters to find a bike using GPS, pay for it using an app, and drop it off upon arriving to their destination, wherever that may be. A mix of private investment and government support has allowed this market to thrive.

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  • The 'sun king' who built a solar city in China

    Shandong Province in China is burdened with heavy air pollution due to being a hub of coal mining. To create a cleaner energy system, one man created a "city" entirely powered by solar energy, complete with a "solar museum" and "solar hotel". The buildings are designed to adopt solar panels into its structure, making the "city" not only beneficial to the environmental, but a one-of-a-kind architectural masterpiece.

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