Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How volunteers from tech companies like Amazon, Apple and Google built a coronavirus-tracking site in six days

    Volunteers from tech companies collaborated with epidemiologists to create a Covid-19 tracking site that works to monitor the spread of the virus and help people know if they have been in contact with anyone who may have been infected. Although registration to the site is still short of the goal number, 10,000 people have already provided their information.

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  • Governments are using cellphone location data to manage the coronavirus

    Governments across the world are using data from cell phones to better track the movement of those under quarantine restrictions during coronavirus. While each country using this containment strategy is implementing it in different ways, the information shared is kept anonymous but, in some cases, grants the greater public access to movements of individuals to know where possible contagions may have occurred.

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  • With command and control, Taiwan excels in managing COVID-19

    After the 2003 SARS epidemic, Taiwan formed the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC), which has proved necessary in the face of COVID19. The CECC has helped coordinated screenings for incoming travelers, rationing face masks, creating a hotline, and enforcing mandatory self-quarantines. They’ve also integrated health insurance, immigration, and customs databases to identify those most at risk.

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  • Churches use technology to stream services after coronavirus shuts many down

    Churches across the nation have had to shut their doors as the country tries to contain the coronavirus outbreak, but some religious institutions have turned to creative ways to keep their practice alive. In Texas, one church has begun streaming the church services to their congregration while another is offering curbside communion.

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  • Online bot created by CDC provides triage for coronavirus testing

    To reduce the number of people being tested unnecessarily for coronavirus, the CDC has introduced an online bot that helps people determine the severity of their symptoms. Because the United States has a limited supply of tests and medical equipment currently available, the goal of the bot is to prioritize tests for those who need them most.

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  • Nursing homes get creative to keep residents connected to family and friends

    The Cedar Hill Continuing Care Community near Lebanon, New Hampshire, is one of many senior-assisted living facilities that has rapidly responded to the spread of coronavirus. The staff has set up personal bingo tables that allow residents to sit six feet apart, taught seniors how to call their loved ones while they're quarantined, and engaged in more personalized activities to keep morale high.

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  • Coronavirus in Canada: The 'caremongers' getting essentials to the vulnerable

    To help get supplies to the vulnerable during the coronavirus pandemic, mutual aid programs have begun developing across Canada. Across the nation, Facebook groups help connect people with resources, with the underlying goal of protecting "the precarious livelihoods of groups who were marginalized long before coronavirus came along."

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  • School District Buys Internet Transmission Towers to Keep Students Connected

    As school districts around the country move all classes online, students face challenges with accessibility because of weak or no internet connections. But in a Texas school district called Castleberry, that problem has been solved thanks to a $600,000 investment in cell phone towers that provide free internet to all students in the area.

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  • Courts Change Amid Coronavirus

    In Ohio, courts have had to make major adjustments to stay safe from the COVID19 pandemic. These adjustments include being open for only essential purposes, using technology to reduce interpersonal interactions, and lowering bonds and using summons rather than arrests. The state also reallocated $4 million from the Supreme Court’s budget to help strengthen local courts’ ability to video conference.

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  • How Civic Technology Can Help Stop a Pandemic

    Taiwan has gone largely unscathed thus far by the coronavirus, showing that their methodology of relying on civic technology has merit to be a model for other countries. Through a combination of "community initiatives, hackathons, and digital deliberation" Taiwan has been able to utilize "broad digital participation and community-driven tool development," both democratically and efficiently.

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