Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Guess Which State Has The Best High School Graduation Rate?

    At 90 percent, Iowa's high school graduation rate was the best in the nation in 2015. The NPR Ed Team looked at Iowa City's lowest performing schools to get a sense of how the state differentiates itself. Scavo, an alternative high school for at-risk teens, caters to students' schedules and home lives, offering flexible class times, professional training programs, and child care facilities within the same building.

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  • 'Recovery is work; work is recovery'

    Research shows that successful addiction recovery requires a comprehensive approach and multiple types of support. Ohio is in the midst of shifting its approach to vocational rehabilitation to an evidence-based approach focusing on providing close employment support, rapid job search and placement services, and emphasizes that "work is not the result of treatment and recovery but integral to both."

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  • Another Chance for Teens

    Since the 1960s, New York City has run the nation’s largest publicly managed summer jobs program. Nearly 50,000 14- to 24-four-year-olds spend six weeks working, not only in publicly funded day care centers, summer camps, hospitals and city agencies, but also high-tech firms and Fortune 500 companies. The summer jobs help at-risk kids keep from dropping out of school.

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  • Cultivating a New Immigrant Narrative

    Half of U.S. farm workers are Hispanic, but few make it to leadership positions. A historically white non-profit, FFA, is creating equal education programs in California to increase leadership opportunities for minorities in agriculture.

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  • Community-college students learn math by using it

    Many students who are funneled into remedial courses don't end up completing their community college degrees. For the past decade, I-BEST has offered students a hands-on approach, connecting academic work with direct job skills training to make classroom content less theoretical. Called "the most-copied idea to come out of Washington’s community-college system," I-BEST has increased students' likelihood of learning a credential by nine times.

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  • What if a high school diploma guaranteed a highly paid job?

    A new vocational school in Waco makes a promise to its graduates: A good-paying job. The school focuses on blue-collar skills with a practical edge, ensuring employability.

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  • Reinventing High School: How Fresno Prepares the Kids in the Middle

    A career high school in Fresno offers 16 tracks ranging from game design to environmental science taught by a team of teachers with work background in the respective fields. Studies have found that students enrolled in the Center for Advanced Research and Technology attended community colleges at higher rates than "demographically-matched" students taking standard high school curriculum.

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  • A Creative Way to Educate Low-Income Students

    In Columbus, Ohio, a high school is pooling vouchers, donations, and earnings from its work study program to reach some of the city's students living below the poverty line.

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  • Newark's jobs training is a model for Buffalo schools

    Across the country, educators increasingly look to vocational programs to better prepare students for the 21st-century workforce. Newark, New Jersey is spearheading a program of vocational education.

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  • From Class to Career

    Only $2 billion a year is spent on adult education in the U.S. A Washington State program is making the best of that minimal funding by combining skills training with basic education, preparing adults for jobs. The secret sauce? Team teaching, which allows for personal attention.

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