Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • 'The Hardest Part Was Finding a Job'

    Oklahoma’s Mabel Bassett Correctional Center is seeing its first graduating class of women coders. A nonprofit called The Last Mile offers training programs for incarcerated individuals with the goal of equipping them with timely job skills upon re-entry. Those that are a part of the program participate in 40 hours of class per week for a year, learning coding programs like CSS, HTML, and Bootstrap.

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  • How Vocational Education Got a 21st Century Reboot

    Now in 10 states and 17 countries, the P-TECH program combines high school with internships and free community college classes. In low-income neighborhoods in Newburgh, New York, P-TECH has helped increase earning and career potential and started to close the skills gap.

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  • Tech giants and 2-year colleges are teaming up to teach in-demand skills

    Amazon has developed a cloud computing certificate. It is one of a growing number of technology companies partnering with community colleges and increasingly four year colleges to offer vendor-specific curriculum. But critics don't believe colleges will be able to change coursework as fast as the quickly evolving industry requires and argue that such as an approach is an imposition on academic freedom.

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  • 4.5 Million Young People Nationwide Are Not Working or in School. How Cities Are Working to Get Them Back on Track — & Avoid the School-to-Prison Pipeline

    There is a certain population of youth aged 16-24 that are neither in school nor working because of some derailment (oftentimes burdensome responsibilities) along the way. A national organization called Nxt Level helps people get back on track with their goals through a specialized team that helps an individual with things like getting a GED, mental health or legal resources, job training, and food programs. They even work with local businesses to give the kids a chance and hire them upon their completion of the program. Nxt Level now has centers in Baltimore, San Francisco, Washington, DC, and more.

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  • Skilling South Sudanese Refugees In Bidibidi Settlement Restores Lost Hope

    The Bidibidi refugee settlement in Uganda offers refugees a chance to learn a skilled trade at the Yoyo Youth Vocational Skills Center. At no cost to them, students can learn brick laying, carpentry, tailoring and cutting garments, hair dressing, environmental protection, and more. Since its opening in 2018, most of its students are making a living off of their acquired skills, and many testify to how the center changed their lives.

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  • Kenya tackles youth unemployment with education shift

    Since the passage of a new law in 2013 that called for "closer coordination between academic institutions and industry" in response to a high unemployment rate, Kenya has shifted dramatically from its theory-based higher education approach to coursework that delivers technical education. So far, the initiatives are up against outdated equipment and a negative perception of the program among young people.

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  • Vocational training center skills refugee youth in Bidibidi settlement

    YOYO Youth Vocational Training and Recreational Center is a vocational school in Zone 3 of Bidibidi, the largest refugee settlement in the world. The school is a product of a partnership amongst organizations such as UNHCR and Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency in order to help refugees obtain additional education and learn skills to be able to sustain themselves one day. Students testify to how the institute has changed their lives.

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  • What does ‘career readiness' look like in middle school?

    A school district in South Carolina is going one step further to expand career readiness programs increasingly present in high schools to its middle schools. While some proponents believe this approach will give students a better understanding of their future options, others worry that it will track minority students away from a path to college even earlier.

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  • High-school apprenticeship programs give kids a chance to earn money, credit, work experience

    Over the next two years, the state of Washington will use $25 million provided by the state legislature to increase the number and range of high school apprenticeship programs. Career Connect Washington, which expands on previous apprenticeship initiatives, offers the opportunity for students to gain work experience, pay, and college credit while still in high school.

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  • Investing in success: Maine Blue Collar Scholarship Foundation looks to expand

    Scholarships and grants can help students who are looking to being their careers after high school to succeed. In Maine, the Maine Blue Collar Scholar Fund provides financial support to high school graduates who wish to start their own businesses or pursue a career in the trades. The program encourages entrepreneurship and is currently seeking to expand its support to teachers interested in learning more about local internships and apprenticeships for their students.

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