Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How Native organizers won voting access and reached record turnout in 2020

    Native organizers in Nevada secured voting access on tribal lands by overcoming a number of obstacles. The organizers successfully took the state of Nevada to court to finally have polling sites on their reservations. That win was the result of grassroots efforts to fight against voter suppression.

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  • How Georgia's Latinx community is working to 'out-organize' voter suppression

    Organizers and community leaders in Georgia are pushing back against restrictive voting laws that disproportionately affect communities of color. The Latinx community is mobilizing against those efforts by empowering its members to “unlock their political power.” Their efforts include voter outreach, translation services, and education.

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  • Moving Mississippi beyond Jim Crow one voter at a time

    Mississippi Votes has engaged tens of thousands of young voters as well as those who have not historically participated in the electoral process. The organization boosted their digital presence to reach younger voters, engaged people as young as 16 in different capacities, and has several paid fellowships to engage youth more intensively in conducting voter outreach, education, and registration. The organization has registered over 30,000 new voters since 2018.

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  • In French Presidential Election, Thousands More Vote from Prison

    Outside pressure and legal reforms made it easier for people who are incarcerated to vote. The small nonprofit, Robin des Lois, fought to install regular voting booths in prisons, just like any other precinct. After a long public and legal battle, French legislators approved measures allowing in-person voting in prisons, which significantly increased voter turnout.

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  • 'Indigenous DNA': Native voters help turn Arizona blue, led by grassroots workers

    Indigenous communities across Arizona organized grassroots efforts to register Native voters and increase voter turnout in 2020. Members of indigenous communities were able to move on-the-ground efforts forward in a way that outside organizations could not. While just 6% of the state’s voting population identifies as Native American, President Biden won by just 10,000 votes, making the larger turnout across Native nations more relevant. Efforts involved going door-to-door and setting up information booths in central areas and voters responded to canvassers taking the time to talk with people.

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  • Armed with pamphlets: the battle to register women voters in Libya

    Libya’s Electoral Outreach Ambassadors program aims to increase women’s trust in the political process and register new voters. The female ambassadors are experienced in civil society participation but are not affiliated with any political or religious group, which is key to building trust given the country’s recent civil war. Ambassadors are trained in many tactics and left to tailor their own strategy so that it is best suited for their own district. Outreach efforts include a combination of house visits, workshops in private and public institutions, and talks with women in public spaces.

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  • Millions of People With Felonies Can Now Vote. Most Don't Know It.

    Thirteen states restored the right to vote to millions of formerly incarcerated people in the years leading up to the 2020 elections. An analysis of four of them—Nevada, Kentucky, Iowa, and New Jersey—shows the new rights were rarely exercised, ranging from 4% to 23% of newly eligible voters actually registering. None of the four states required prison, parole, or elections officials to notify eligible voters. Those and other information gaps and barriers teach instructive lessons as the 2022 elections approach.

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  • For Black Voters Matter, the goal is greater community power

    Black Voters Matter raises money to support organizations and initiatives that are often too small for institutional funders to notice. The group has given millions to community-based groups in 15 states—mostly in the South—to register voters, canvass neighborhoods with voting-related information, run phone banks, and even rent buses to drive people to the polls. They’ve raised tens of millions of dollars, mostly in small donations from about 90,000 unique donors. The group, who seeks to strengthen organizations for the long run, also funds activities like free grocery distribution for those in need.

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  • How two Black CEOs got corporate America to pay attention to voting rights

    A small group of prominent Black business leaders personally urged their corporate peers to oppose the restrictive voting laws being considered in dozens of states. Public statements framing voting rights as a moral, non-partisan issue led to hundreds of corporations - including Microsoft and Target – publicly opposing the bills, with some threatening to withhold investment and campaign donations in states that pass such laws. The Major League Baseball All-Star game was pulled from Georgia. Organizers believe White executives were more likely to listen to Black executives than Black grassroots activists.

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  • Beyond language: How to enfranchise voters who don't speak English

    Orange County is a gold standard for supporting voters who aren’t fluent in English. All voting materials come in multiple languages and online databases and voting equipment are compatible with the multilingual system. The county works with community groups and hires native speakers to translate materials for increased accuracy. The county's bilingual workforce has steadily increased, with 30% of election workers now speaking the native language of the voters needing support. Due to the pandemic, language support was provided by video conference, an option that will continue to be available in the future.

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