Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Can Small Seaweed Farms Help Kelp Scale Up?

    Atlantic Sea Farms strives to create sustainable ocean livelihoods by growing seaweed, which is good for both people and the planet. It's nutritionally dense, provides an extra source of revenue for fishermen, and is environmentally low impact. Ongoing studies also indicate it might absorb carbon dioxide in the ocean and tamp down ocean acidification. In 2018, Atlantic Sea Farms was producing 30,000 wet pounds of seaweed a year but expects a harvest of 1.2 million pounds this year, making it the largest in the U.S.

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  • The frontline of conservation: how Indigenous guardians are reinforcing sovereignty and science on their lands

    Over many months, the Wuikinuxv Guardian Watchmen in British Columbia, Canada, patrol about 2,000 square kilometers of the coast by boat, and they're doing everything from warding off poachers to participating in scientific studies. Since it’s rare to see government vessels monitoring the area, many Indigenous communities throughout Canada have created these guardian programs as a way to conserve and protect their land.

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  • Researchers use waste glass to clean up polluted sea

    The beach in Omura Bay in Japan isn’t a normal beach covered in sand: It’s covered in glass. This glass beach, developed by the Nagasaki Prefectural Environmental Health Research Center, is meant to recycle waste from the ocean and promote the growth of shellfish to maintain the water’s health. After five years, the center has seen about 525 clams per square meter, an increase over previous years.

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  • Reinvent Utah farms to save our soil and Great Salt Lake?

    Farmers in Utah practice no-till farming to improve soil health and water retention amid an ongoing drought.

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  • How to Plant Millions of Oysters in a Day

    Conservationists are injecting millions of baby oysters into the Chesapeake Bay region to boost the native populations and improve the water quality. With their efforts, they’ve been able to restore 10 tributaries and about 324 hectares of oyster reefs have been restored.

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  • How Birds Keep the Pajaro River Levees Safe

    Rodents can weaken critical river levees. Instead of poisoning them, leading to ripple effects up the food chain, levee managers on the Pajaro River in California are encouraging raptors to patrol the area.

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  • Areas hard hit by B.C. drought now the target of bottled water corporations

    The Merville Water Guardians, the Canadian Freshwater Alliance, and K’ómoks First Nation successfully prevented rezoning that would allow water to be drawn from shared aquifers, bottled, and sold for private profits. Protests at District board meetings, letter writing campaigns, petitions, and door-to-door campaigning led the District board to vote against the rezoning and sign an historic agreement to collaboratively manage and conserve water with the K’ómoks First Nation.

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  • Want to Solve Wildfires and Drought? Leave it to BEAVERS!

    Beavers can be a tool in the fight against climate change. The dams that beavers build have multiple benefits for the environment. Studies show that beaver complexes are greener. They store so much water in the soil and plants that they act like an underground irrigation system. Studies also show that fires in an area with streams without beavers burn three times more intensely that those with beavers. Beaver habits are so successful, that scientist are replicating their damns to mitigate the effects of climate change.

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  • When the Ice Stops Singing

    Snowchange is a co-operative formed by a network of villages across Finland. The co-op formed after fishermen found all the fish in the river dead due to pollution. They decided to take action. They began "rewilding," a process of restoring ecosystems to the point that they can take care of themselves. They did this by buying peat production sites and rewilding them to wetlands. A decade ago there was merely three to four bird species in the first rewilding site the co-op bought, now there's close to 200.

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  • A River's Right to Flow

    In order to preserve and protect rivers a new movement that grants rivers personhood rights is growing. In places like New Zealand and Oregon, where some of these measures have passed rivers have the right to flow without having to be used as a resource for consumption. In New Mexico, the state engineer approved a water lease submitted by the National Audobon Society. The lease allows about 13 million gallons of water to flow annually solely for its own sake, similiar to personhood rights. The creative approach is one way conservationists are fighting for water preservation.

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