Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • In Pennsylvania, agroforestry holds a key to cleaning up waterways and Chesapeake Bay

    The state of Pennsylvania set to plant 86,000 hectares of riparian buffers, the practice of planting trees and shrubs along a river or stream to filter water. Other benefits of riparian buffers include things like restoring the soil and cooling the water. In order to meet their goal, the state scientists used a bottom approach, enlisting the help of local farmers by offering them grants to plant trees and showing farmers how they can profit off of riparian buffers. While the state is behind its goal, the state is planting about 1,000 to 2,000 hectares a year.

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  • The Gila River Indian Community innovates for a drought-ridden future

    Through settlements, the Gila River Indian community was able to regain rights to its river and tributaries. Aside, from that the community created partnerships with other water projects. The community also decided to keep a network of managed aquifer sites and to rehabilitate existing wells. One other effect of the settlement was the revival of a small segment of the Gila river. The strategic moves the community made could provide a model for other indigenous communities who lack access to their own water supply.

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  • Farmers Trying To Save The Ogallala Aquifer Face Tension From Peers, But Their Profits Are Improving

    Once Kansas formed its first local enhanced management area — or LEMA — where a certain land area had strict irrigation limits, many farmers weren’t happy about it. But a research study found that instead of cutting their water usage by 20 percent as required by the law, many decreased it by 31 percent. While they do have slightly smaller harvests, one farmer said they were making more money inside the LEMA than before. “It seems really encouraging because it seems like the program has both increased profits and increased water savings,” said one researcher.

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  • Community restores grasslands, makes village drought-resilient

    Lamakani, a small village in India, went barren and townspeople completely depended on water tankers after a drought in the 90s. One leader initiated a watershed movement. They applied a series of approaches which included things like watershed development, bans on grass grazing and tree falling, and collaborating with local artists to communicate messages of conservation. Now, the town is lush again.

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  • The Southwest Offers Blueprints for the Future of Wastewater Reuse

    As the U.S. Southwest continues to navigate ongoing water crises, several places — including Las Vegas; Orange County, California;, and San Diego — are turning wastewater into drinking water. Their various systems are recycling and treating wastewater as a way to save money and create a reliable supply of drinking water for residents in arid climates. Outreach and education in these communities helped make these systems successful and could be a model for others looking to supplement their traditional water supplies.

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  • Indigenous Food Sovereignty Movements Are Taking Back Ancestral Land

    More and more Indigenous communities throughout North America are reclaiming their ancestral lands as a way to access traditional foodways. For example, a group of Mi’kmaq tribes in Nova Scotia bought a majority share in one of the largest seafood businesses on the continent, allowing them to use the company’s fishing licenses to harvest more scallops, lobsters, and crabs. The Quapaw Tribe in Oklahoma is restoring their land that had been polluted by mining. Under the Quapaw Cattle Company, they are able to sustain more than 1,000 cattle and bison as well as growing two crops.

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  • The Clever Architectural Feature That Makes Life on Bermuda Possible

    There is no natural freshwater source on Bermuda, so residents turn to rainfall as a way to fulfill their water needs. The white limestone Bermuda roofs are used to catch and redirect rain into underground tanks that serve as their primary source of freshwater. Droughts happen, which has led to other solutions, but the limestone roofs are still primarily their largest source of freshwater.

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  • Simple hand-built structures can help streams survive wildfires and drought

    Conservationists, government agencies, scientists, and landowners are working together to restore streams using low-cost solutions from sticks, stones, and even beavers. Restoring these floodplains is important to help communities combat drought and wildfires. In Idaho, scientists relocated nine beavers to Birch Creek so they could help repair the dried-up stream. In three years, the beavers built dams, which helped the creek flow for longer in the summer. This method might not work everywhere, so scientists have also tested stone structures, which also proved effective at improving the ecosystem.

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  • What Went Into Building Europe's Largest Floating Solar Park

    Evides Waterbedrijf, a drinking water company, created Europe’s largest floating solar park. They installed almost 3,000 solar panels on an island in the middle of a reservoir that allows it to move with the sun to maximize its energy. This setup generates about 15 percent of the electricity the company uses at the site.

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  • Turtle conservation hits the SPOT in North Cyprus

    Thanks to efforts by the Society for the Protection of Turtles and a band of international volunteers, green and loggerhead turtle numbers in North Cyprus are rebounding. Last year, there were more than 2,400 nests counted, a 10-fold increase since their first survey in 1988. There are still challenges in saving these species due to plastic waste, but more locals are recognizing the importance of turtle conservation.

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