Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Can tourists coexist with nature on Lebanon's Rabbit Island?

    In a stark juxtaposition to Lebanon’s polluted beaches, just 150 off the coast lies Palm Island – more commonly known as Rabbit Island – seeking to remain pristine and pollution-free. Promapir, an EU-funded collaboration between Lebanon’s Environment Protection Committee and the Office d’Exploitation du Port de Tripoli, is charging visitors to help pay for rangers, trash disposal and maintenance of the plants and beaches. While a valiant effort, the real challenge will be changing the habits of those who visit to prevent them from leaving litter in the first place.

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  • Do plastic bag taxes or bans curb waste? 400 cities and states tried it out.

    Across the world, countries are reckoning with its astounding single-use plastic bag waste by instituting legislation that taxes or all-out bans them. Research has shown that taxing the bags has been a more effective strategy with less unintended consequences, as banning often leads to a sharp increase in thicker plastics or paper bags. In places that have instituted the tax, they’ve seen a 40 percent decrease in usage, and arguably more importantly, a cultural shift away from single-use plastics.

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  • This Lake Belongs to Everyone

    For years, much of the coastline along the Great Lakes has been privately owned. In an effort to stabilize cliff erosion off the coast of Lake Erie, the city of Euclid, Ohio, worked with property owners to acquire those waterfronts. Despite some initial skepticism, the city convinced the owners that turning over their waterfront property would save them money on erosion control and allow public access to the coast. This collaborative approach is being watched by other coastal cities as a potential model for shoreline management.

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  • This country gave all its rivers their own legal rights

    As countries look to new ways to best conserve rivers, several are testing out a methodology of giving human rights to the bodies of water. Although not without challenges, this solution offers a way for those harming rivers to be held accountable to any damage they caused, same as if they were harming another human being.

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  • Watershed moment: How Chesapeake Bay turned its H2O around

    After decades of conservation and cleanup, the 42% of the entire Chesapeake Bay meets water quality standards. The Chesapeake Bay Program organized a regional collaboration between nonprofits, the government, and educational institutions, worked together to protect and clean the Bay, which is home to fishing, tourism, and agriculture. While much progress has been made, the group recognizes the amount of work left if they are to ever see a majority clean watershed.

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  • Can We Change Our Behavior or are We Stuck?

    When Melbourne, Australia came close to running out of water in 2008, the water utility conducted a behavioral study to launch an effective communications campaign aimed at reducing water usage among city residents. Along with the effective advertising campaign, the city distributed water-efficient shower heads, offered rebates to people who bought water-efficient machines, and used other "nudge" techniques like telling people how much water they used in relation to neighbors.

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  • Improving our own environment

    Pennsylvania’s Perkiomen Watershed Conservancy has built a grassroots base of volunteers that help clean up the local environment. Through education at schools and summer workshops, outreach projects, and asking volunteers to recruit new people, the Conservancy saw over 1,000 volunteers at its annual stream cleanup event. While the organization is still trying to figure out how to retain volunteers for long-term projects, the response to immediate projects has been overwhelming.

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  • The Unusual Weapon Yellowstone Is Using To Combat Invasive Species

    At Yellowstone National Park, they’re renting dogs to sniff out invasive species like zebra and quagga mussels. The dogs are part of the Working Dogs for Conservation non-profit organization and have been trained to sniff out invasive and endangered species. By catching species like the zebra and quagga mussels, the dogs are able to save ecosystems from environmental crises.

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  • Solar Powered Water Projects Solve Clean Water Crisis In Bidibidi Refugee Settlement

    Solar-powered pumps can improve access to clean water for displaced populations. The United Nation’s High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the UN’s Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) program have sponsored the installation of dozens of water pumps in Uganda’s Yumbe district, where up to 80 percent of the children in some schools are refugees.

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  • Yellowstone Fights Lake Trout With Nets, ‘Judas' Fish And Pellets

    Yellowstone Park’s invasive fish management team has been working to save the native cutthroat salmon by fighting non-native lake trout for over a decade. To save the cutthroat salmon, which are crucial to the ecosystem’s food web, the team uses gillnetting traps. Since starting this initiative – funded by donations and federal funding – they’ve caught and killed over three million invasive trout.

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