Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • La primera planta de tratamiento de aguas con microalgas

    Una iniciativa público-privada impulsada por la Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (FAUBA), busca tratar aguas residuales urbanas y producir biofertilizantes a partir de organismos que se utilizan para suplementos dietarios humanos y animales.

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  • The ancient Sri Lankan 'tank cascades' tackling drought

    A hydraulic network of man-made water tanks built 2,000 years ago, called an ellangawa, collects rainwater that locals in Maeliya, Sri Lanka, can release during the dry season to support the rice crop and recharge the groundwater.

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  • An innovative solution to tackling Nigeria's water crisis

    The Filter X360 uses gravity to purify water without requiring any power supply or chemicals by using ultrafiltration technology to remove bacteria and viruses from fresh water sourced from nearby rivers, lakes and ponds. The machine can purify 1,000 liters per hour and reduces the risk of illness and also prevents locals from having to purchase bottled water or simply go without clean drinking water.

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  • Paris Is Undergoing a Water Revolution

    By focusing on preventing water pollution at the source, fixing leaks in the system, and public education, Paris cleaned up its water network and decreased water use by 10% over the last ten years.

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  • Clean Water? We've Got a Mussel For That

    Scientists in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, are propagating common species of mussels to restore the once-thick mussel beds in local waterways. The mussels work as filters that purify the water and improve the health of the ecosystem.

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  • 'Cash for Grass' program has transformed 2,000 lawns in Napa

    Residents of Napa, California, are replacing their lawns with native, low-water landscaping to use less water and save money on water bills. Many were incentivized by the city’s Cash for Grass rebate program that offers per-square-foot rebates for those who make the swap.

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  • Rapid Radicals says there's a faster way to treat wastewater, begins pilot program in Milwaukee

    The startup Rapid Radicals uses a chemical process to treat sewage much quicker than the typical biological process. It hopes to use the technology to reduce the sewage released into local lakes and rivers in Milwaukee when the system is overwhelmed by rain or snowmelt.

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  • Kenyan fishers put new twists on an age-old marine conservation system

    Several villages are establishing no-take zones, or tengefus, to address issues of overfishing, allowing fish to repopulate. With the help of several local organizations and government authorities, there are currently 22 tengefus in various stages of development across the country.

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  • Did plastic straw bans work? Yes, but not in the way you'd think.

    After activists campaigned against the use of single-use plastic straws that pollute the environment, cities, states, and companies began banning them or offering alternatives. Because plastic straws are responsible for only a tiny fraction of plastic pollution, the anti-straw movement was seen by some as "greenwashing." However, it also raised awareness of the harm of single-use plastics and helped build momentum for further action, including bans on other single-use products such as plastic bags, cutlery, and stir sticks.

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  • Ces pays qui recyclent les eaux usées en eau potable

    Depuis 1968, la ville de Windhoek recycle les eaux usées pour les utiliser comme eau potable avec un processus qui comprend maintenant 10 étapes de filtration. Aujourd'hui, la ville tire 30 % de son eau du processus de recyclage.

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