Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Pushed To Action(III): The non-profits helping Nigerian communities access clean water

    The Network of Water Rights Initiative (NWRI) works with local organizations to improve access to safe water through education and awareness campaigns aimed at enlightening people about the health risks of contaminated water. NWRI has led water clean-up efforts, helped locals establish security measures to prevent people from dumping waste in water and even helped get a water bill signed into law that would improve water supply and sanitation services across the state.

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  • How Farmers Used California's Floods to Revive Underground Aquifers

    Tulare Irrigation District in California encourages farmers to flood their fields with water during the wet season, so it can slowly seep underground and recharge the groundwater aquifers. Those who do so earn credit that can be redeemed during the dry season to extract more water than they would otherwise be allowed.

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  • In Baltic Sea, citizen divers restore seagrass to fight climate change

    The SeaStore Seagrass Restoration Project in Kiel, Germany, is teaching locals to harvest and replant the underwater grasses. The project is restoring areas these plants used to inhabit because they store large amounts of carbon.

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  • Amid Severe Drought, Arizona Turns to Sustainable Farming

    Tucson-based Mission Garden’s crops are thriving in a drought-stricken region because of the use of techniques and knowledge from the Tohono O’odham Nation to plant traditional local crops and native plants that can handle the lack of water.

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  • Southern California Episcopal church plants drought-resistant native species in its gardens, becomes part of its natural environment

    St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in Laguna Beach, California, planted drought-resistant native plants and installed a drip irrigation system on its property to curb wasteful water use. The new landscaping also includes a pollinator garden to support important species.

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  • Reviving the Lost Waterways of India's 'City of Lakes'

    After reviving a lake with no experience, Anand Malligavad went on to restore 30 lakes in Bengaluru, India. He and his team created a restoration model that includes dredging and cleaning the lakebed, planting native grasses and trees along the banks, and developing wetlands nearby.

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  • Beyond the Yuck Factor: Cities Turn to ‘Extreme' Water Recycling

    San Francisco is popularizing centralized water reuse systems that collect blackwater from toilets and sinks and greywater from showers and washing machines to clean it and use it again. This is a cheaper, more sustainable option for nonpotable water used to water plants or flush toilets in a city struggling with water scarcity.

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  • To Restore Watersheds, Think Like a Beaver

    Volunteers of the National Forest Foundation’s Colorado Rivershed project mimic beavers by foraging for materials to make dam-like structures that slow the flow of the waterways leading into the larger river. This strategy is a form of low-tech, process-based restoration meant to hold water in the upper basin for longer to reinvigorate the habitat and benefit the local ecosystem.

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  • Up-Close Ecotourism Is Nurturing Gray Whales in Mexico

    A fishing cooperative at the San Ignacio Lagoon protects gray whales that use the lagoon as a nursery by not fishing at that time of the year. Instead, their income comes from ecotourism which brings people close to the whales during that season.

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  • Phool – the Indian venture upcycling floral waste

    The India-based company Phool collects floral waste from religious temples to keep it from being discarded in rivers. The flowers are used to make incense sticks, and the company provides employment for over 200 women from marginalized communities.

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