Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • MIT Group Used Solar Energy To Make Salty Water Drinkable In Off-Grid Areas

    MIT engineers created a cost-efficient solution to the lack of potable water in rural India. They built a solar-powered desalination model, which won the Desal Prize at the "Securing Water for Food" challenge.

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  • Myanmar's Smart Farmers & Saving Mozambique's Forests

    The effects of climate change, such as rising sea levels and hotter global temperatures, are already having drastic impact on many communities, especially the rural, agricultural regions of countries such as Myanmar (formerly Burma) and Mozambique. Earthrise explores how people in these communities are learning new skills, implementing new techniques, and are striving in every way possible to adapt to these environmental changes while creating hope for sustainable growth in the future.

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  • Water pricing in two thirsty cities: in one, guzzlers pay more, and use less

    Two cities in California are facing increasing threat of drought. In addition to raising the basic cost of water, the heaviest users of water pay more for the water they consume.

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  • Can saltwater quench our growing thirst?

    Population growth, climate change, and droughts are factors that have depleted the world’s freshwater resources. Scientists around the world have experimented with desalination of salt water to increase the supply the drinking water and have achieved positive results. In 2015, more countries and cities in the world look to provide desalination, including California’s $1 billion effort to build a plant for San Diego.

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  • Minnesota ramps up hunt for arsenic in wells

    A new three-year project between the health department and the U.S. Geological Survey designed to improve the way arsenic, a carcinogen, is measured in private wells and to develop guidelines to help contractors avoid drilling high arsenic wells in the first place.

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  • Denmark's vision for solving the world's water woes

    Though once the rivers were afoul with pollution and the carcasses of poisoned fish and the water from taps was too hazardous to drink, Denmark now boasts some of the world's cleanest drinking water and some of it's most comprehensive programs for good water management. The Danish government is looking to help other nations replicate their success, leveraging technology and collaboration to better manage water treatment and conservation for all.

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  • Farmers adapt to big rains but send trouble downstream

    Confronting more frequent heavy rains, the state's farmers have extended farmland drainage. Higher crop yields is one result. Another: More dirty water is flowing downstream.

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  • When Life Gives You Saltwater, Make Shrimp Ponds

    When the Vietnamese government built a gate in the 1990s to block saltwater from entering a key canal, they hoped it would lead to flourishing, year-round rice crops. Without community buy-in and engagement, the government didn’t have a clear understanding of the needs of local residents. By the time the gate was built, farmers had turned their fields into saltwater ponds to farm shrimp, demonstrating the need for ground-up solutions and deep community listening.

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  • Texas Drought Diminishes, but Enormous Water Loss

    Most of Texas has emerged from a drought that started in early 2011, but water supplies are still far below normal. Scientists are using new technology to monitor ground water levels and contemplate potential conservation methods and broad-scale solutions, while trying to convince policy makers of the reality of these climate-based changes.

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  • Texas and New Mexico laws discourage water conservation, experts say

    Laws in Texas and New Mexico, both locked in the grip of a crippling drought, don't do much to actually encourage citizens to conserve water. New conservation laws and financial incentives are trying to change that.

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