Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • When parents of people with disabilities reach the breaking point

    Part 1 of the Caregivers Crisis series: As parents of adults with disabilities face their own struggles with aging, health, and mobility they often find themselves at the frayed end of their resources. The Parent Support Project brings these parents together to provide counseling, information on resources, financial counseling, moral support, and renewed energy to keep moving forward with their lives.

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  • Generational Poverty: Is There a Way Out?

    For many people experiencing poverty, the struggle to make ends meet and provide for their children is common across generations. In Philadelphia, non-profit programs are recognizing that aspect of poverty and helping to ensure that the next generation is better equipped to be economically secure - not by solely focusing on the children, but by addressing the underlying issue and focusing on parents and grandparents as well. So far, the initiatives are helping families reconnect and create a better future.

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  • Relying on food pantries in New Mexico's rural communities

    Hunger is a hidden crisis in the U.S., and in places like Rio Arriba County, New Mexico - a food desert and poverty-stricken community - a few dedicated food pantries are all that stands between thousands of people and going hungry. A longstanding relationship with Farmers Markets authorized to use SNAP benefits has also allowed farmers to donate overstocked produce to those in need - though the greater battle against the poverty that causes hunger is yet to be won.

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  • The surprisingly simple economic case for giving refugees cash, not stuff

    In the Middle East, refugee camps are expensive to run-- particularly because shipping food aid is expensive, and the refugees feel victimized in an environment where they have no agency or purchasing power. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees has moved refugees in Jordan out of camps and has given cash instead of in-kind aid, and new possibilities emerge with mobile money by the aid of new technology. The results have shown that refugees feel more empowered and the costs associated with their aid are reduced.

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  • Two unsexy solutions to help Larimer County's homeless

    Two Northern Colorado counties and Fort Collins, especially, face high levels of homelessness. It's not because there are no organizations dedicated to the issue. Rather, a lack of coordination among the veterans' service groups, state and federal welfare departments, and homelessness prevention groups has stymied effective solutions to decreasing homelessness. Now, state-supported Homeward 2020 has implemented a data management system and housing placement accountability program among the service providers. The low-cost model is showing success, and will be rolled out to other regions across the state.

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  • Poverty is growing in America's largest cities — except this one

    Poverty is a problem that only seems to be increasing in the United States. New York City, though, was the only one of America's 20 largest cities to achieve a decrease in poverty rates from 2000-2013. This piece is the first in a four-part series on New York’s fight against poverty.

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  • Welcome to Welfare Utopia

    States deal with poverty and employment differently, depending on their state legislature and, historically, their racial composition. Oregon is a predominantly white state with some of the most generous welfare and employment programs available in the union. Giving states the option of flexibility with their anti-poverty programs can cause some to reduce their safety nets, but Oregon serves as a model for bipartisan cooperation on generous welfare and employment reforms.

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  • The Poverty Puzzle

    Chattanooga, once called the dirtiest city in America, was later dubbed a Tornado of Innovation by former U.S. President Barack Obama. Now, the city is hub for the tech industry. Despite its rag to riches story, the city’s gap between the rich and the poor has increased dramatically over the past ten years. 1 in four people live in poverty. Nonprofits and activists have been helping, but they need city leaders and elites to listen before it's too late.

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  • What Would Happen If We Just Gave People Money?

    More and more economists and financiers are supporting the idea of a government-supported basic income check for everyone, regardless of financial status.

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  • We Don't Need to Wait on Congress to Fight Homelessness

    Far too many Americans are homeless, and with congress dragging their feet in implementing funds, it is up to individual places to set up programs to help provide housing. Counties in New Jersey have enacted legislation to fund housing and other services, but in other areas the fight is still on to pass legislation.

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