Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Participants Claim This Program Boosts Them out of Poverty. Should Other Cities Implement It?

    Family Rewards is a three-year program in Memphis, which aims to stop inter-generational poverty cycles. The program gives low income families funds that are conditional on bettering the next generation.

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  • Sarasota: A glimpse into American poverty's future

    In Sarasota, Florida, residents invested in change contend that for the poor to move beyond survival mode and break a multi-generational cycle, they need a wraparound strategy, rather than one-off or isolated services. The community is slowly growing programs like the Gulf Coast Community Foundation, which helps to fund and support comprehensive programs that build sustainable change. This article explores solutions being pursued by the county from job training for adults to after school support for students.

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  • The Common Sense Move That Reduced California's Teen Pregnancy Rate by 60 Percent

    A “comprehensive, medically accurate and age- and culturally-appropriate" sexual education model, rather than the popular abstinence-only one, has been the key element in California's huge reduction in rates of teen pregnancy.

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  • What can we learn from a town that beat poverty

    In a pilot program in a Canadian city, the working poor were given monthly cash supplements to their income. The recipients did not stop working and were able to access opportunities to make a better living long term.

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  • Big Ideas in Social Change, 2014

    A overview of 2014's Fixes columns - connecting the dots between 60 or so ways that people are trying to change the world.

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  • How One California City Began Bringing Its Murder Rate Down—Without Cops

    Richmond, California's Office of Neighborhood Safety responded to alarmingly high gun violence levels with an outreach approach to young men at high risk of getting shot or of shooting others. Instead of a heavy-handed enforcement strategy, the office intervenes in likely retaliatory violence and enrolls men as fellows in a year-long program offering counseling, education, job training, and a $500 monthly stipend for fellows on the right track. In the programs first three years, gun homicides dropped and 65 of 68 fellows survived.

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  • Brazil's Government Gives Money to Women Because 'They're More Reliable'

    In Brazil, a decade-long conditional cash transfer program called Bolsa Familia is helping families get out of poverty -- and helping empower women in the process. Although the central premise of the program - that women are more reliable than men when spending money meant for their children - has been criticized, there is some evidence that the cash transfers are helping women be more independent and boosting their social status.

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  • For Striving Students, a Connection to Money

    Government benefits to aid the poor are frequently left unclaimed, leaving children hungry, young people unable to finish school, and opportunities for stable housing and preventative health care unused. New York City-based program Single Stop connects people to benefits for which they may be eligible. Importantly, Single Stop has served community colleges where disadvantaged students can use the assistance to help get through school.

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  • The Benefits of Cash Without Conditions

    Conditional cash transfers – giving the poor money if they do things that will make their children less poor, such as keep them in school – are the world’s most successful and widespread social program. Could it be possible, however, that the conditions aren’t necessary – just giving the poor money works just as well? In some circumstances, the answer seems to be yes.

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  • Nudging Detroit: Program Doubles Food Stamp Bucks In Grocery Stores

    Organizations in Detroit are piloting a program to apply food stamp credits in grocery stores towards the purchase of nutritious produce, in order to increase access to healthy items. The initiative can also help the local economy prosper through increased promotion of locally grown produce.

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