Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Flashlight-Wielding, Frog-Taxiing Guardians of Spring's 'Big Night'

    Volunteers from the Harris Center for Conservation Education in New Hampshire spend spring nights helping amphibians cross the road safely. The volunteers work during mass amphibian migration periods and collect data on the species they see for conservation efforts.

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  • Hope in a bottle: A glass recycling project is helping Louisiana reverse the effects of coastal erosion

    Powered by the ReCoast Initiative, Glass Half Full recycles glass to turn it into sand needed to replenish Louisiana’s coastline and regrow native marsh plants like various grasses and willow trees. The group also uses social media to explain topics like coastal erosion and the importance of restoration efforts like Glass Half Full to a wider audience.

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  • Just add water and stir — Owens Lake shows Utahns that even when salty lakes hit their lowest point, they can recover

    To adjust from L.A. regularly draining Owens Lake for its water supply, locals have found that they can recover the dry lake by simply re-adding water to it, which prevents it from creating toxic dust storms. When water is added to the lake, the environment wakes up and becomes home to several plants and animals, specifically millions of birds, which depend on habitats like Owens Lake when traveling around the world.

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  • Great Salt Lake a sovereign entity 'worthy of legal rights,' group says

    Save Our Great Salt Lake is a group rallying local environmental activists to push legislators to care for the Great Salt Lake and take legislative action before the ecosystem collapses. Though it will be a long, uphill battle the group’s efforts have already led to some progress from local government, such as the newly built wastewater treatment plant that aims to get more water to the Great Salt Lake.

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  • Why beavers matter as the planet heats up

    Beavers and the dams they build have been found to be tools against climate change as the planet’s temperature continues to rise. Dams slow water down and allow it to seep into the Earth, providing groundwater for humans, and also cools down both water and air temperatures. Beaver dams also create wetland ecosystems that are practically resistant to wildfires.

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  • How Salt Marshes Prevented Development but Forever Changed Wetlands in the South Bay

    The South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project, a collaboration between multiple nonprofits and government agencies, is restoring wetlands in an area previously covered with man-made salt ponds to recreate habitat for native species, maintain flood protection, and improve the ecosystem.

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  • In a New Orleans ward ravaged by climate change, leaders nurture the next generation

    Founded in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, the Center for Sustainable Engagement & Development program teaches young locals and interns about environmental science and conservation practices to prepare them for natural disasters.

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  • Carbon credits versus the Big Gulp

    By planting cattails and tule reeds in a California Delta farmland, scientists hope to change the area into a marsh with peat that can store carbon dioxide. This would also support levees from failing and prevent salty ocean water from ruining crops and threatening drinking water. Managing this kind of landscape can be expensive, and farmers are not always on board with converting their land, but this pilot project has already doled out 52,000 tons of carbon credit making it the first wetland project in the United States to do so.

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  • When the Ice Stops Singing

    Snowchange is a co-operative formed by a network of villages across Finland. The co-op formed after fishermen found all the fish in the river dead due to pollution. They decided to take action. They began "rewilding," a process of restoring ecosystems to the point that they can take care of themselves. They did this by buying peat production sites and rewilding them to wetlands. A decade ago there was merely three to four bird species in the first rewilding site the co-op bought, now there's close to 200.

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  • Many mangrove restorations fail. Is there a better way?

    Mangrove forests are known to be excellent storers of carbon and hosts of biodiversity, but they are also able to protect communities on coastlines from storm surge. However, many of the projects to restore these forests fail because they are rushed or planted in the wrong places. Scientists argue that organizers should focus on natural regrowth or “ecological mangrove restoration,” a science-based approach, which has been used in Indonesia and Guinea-Bissau.

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