Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A Program in Galveston Turns Discarded Oyster Shells Into Treasure

    A nonprofit is taking discarded oyster shells from restaurants and giving them a new purpose as homes for marine life in Galveston, Texas. The Galveston Bay Foundation started an oyster recycling program, which have now grown to include 10 area restaurants. Oysters are collected weekly, at no cost to restaurants, then taken to a facility to be processed and disinfected naturally. "The program has recycled 1,072 tons of oyster shells."

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  • Nature calling: how can Sweden's success story help rewild London?

    As London starts to implement its plan for boroughs to implement sustainable urban greening strategies, officials look to Malmö as a guide after the Swedish city used a green space factor (GSF) as a way of calculating green space requirements for new developments. The GSF system allows governments to integrate biodiversity-focused incentives into their urban planning, while allowing designers and architects to respond to local needs.

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  • On the Columbia River, something stirs beyond the dams

    The Grand Coulee, a 500-foot-tall dam on the Columbia River, nearly eradicated the salmon population that the Colville Tribes relied on, but the Indigenous community initiated a restoration effort to save the fish. They released by hand 100 adult Chinook salmon and scientists were able to confirm that the species was spawning on the upper part of the dam for the first time in 80 years.

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  • The new use for abandoned oil rigs

    As oil rigs stop producing fossil fuels and become decommissioned, many are being repurposed into artificial reefs that support populations of marine wildlife with food and shelter. In the United States, more than 500 oil and gas rigs have been converted into artificial reefs. The California-based company Blue Latitudes has worked to raise awareness about this solution throughout the world, though has struggled to make traction with the Golden State’s oil platforms. Yet, reefing a platform is less expensive than completely removing it.

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  • Simple change to fishing gear saves thousands of birds in Namibia

    Tens of thousands of vulnerable bird species have been saved over the last decade thanks to new equipment that has been installed by Namibian fishing boats. By fitting colorful hosepipe to lines towed behind boats, a study has shown that birds are scared away and don’t end up getting tangled in the lines. The material is also fairly cheap to implement, which allowed the solution to be widely implemented.

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  • How Bison Are Saving America's Lost Prairie

    Tall grass prairie used to span across 13 states in North America. However, after settlers arrived grassland prairies were decimated. By reintroducing bison to the land along with seasonal fires, the nature conservancy, which manages the Joseph H. Williams Tallgrass Prairie Preserve in northeastern Oklahoma, resuscitated the prairie. The preserve is the largest tract of grassland prairie remaining in the world.

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  • This Thai village created a tiny fish reserve years ago. Today, it's thriving. Audio icon

    By setting aside an area of the Ngao River to be off limits for fishing, several villages in Thailand have seen a revitalization of large barb and carp in their waters. Compared to non-protected stretches of the river, reserves saw more than twice the total number of fish, and catches outside of that protected area have also significantly increased. “These small, community-based reserves can be a really effective management strategy for sustaining their own resources and conserving fish,” says a researcher at the Global Water Center.

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  • The Radio Station at the Heart of a Fishing Community

    Kadal Osai (Sound of the Sea) is a radio broadcast with programming designed for fishers and their families since 2016. It reaches about 50,000 people from 30 fishing villages within a 15-kilometer radius of the station’s headquarters. Twelve radio jockeys provide 24-7 programming, with climate change and marine conservation two popular topics. The programming has provided a conservation mindset for many local fisherfolk, leading to behavior changes and helping them adapt to the rapidly changing world. The shows have shifted how they value the lives of sea creatures and what the ocean provides more broadly.

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  • Fish out of water: How B.C.'s salmon farmers fell behind the curve of sustainable, land-based aquaculture

    Dwindling numbers of wild salmon have been reported in British Columbia’s coastal waters, so many organizations, governments, and fishers have advocated for land-based salmon farming. The transition to more sustainable practices from open net pen farms, though, has not been easy. Some say the science behind land-based salmon farming has not been decided yet. However, Kuterra was the first commercial-sized land-based salmon farming facility in North America and it harvests about 90,000 Atlantic salmon a year that is sold in grocery stores and restaurants.

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  • Experiments in Coexistence

    Conflict prevention specialists for USDA Wildlife Services in southwest Oregon work with livestock producers to deter the local wolf pack from killing livestock. The specialists patrol overnight, making noise so that the wolves know they are there and stay away. They also set up scare boxes and deploy fox lights, which emit random patters of light, to make it seem like there are more people covering larger areas. If inspectors determine livestock was killed by a wolf, the rancher receives compensation. Funding has been secured to deploy conflict prevention specialists in up to 12 additional states.

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