Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How Mumbaikars can coexist peacefully with ferocious spotted cats

    As humans encroach further on leopard habitat, more people get attacked by the wild cats. After four people were killed in Nashik in a four-month span of 2020, Sanjay Gandhi National Park leopard rescue team and others set up cameras and traps to capture nine leopards. Though DNA testing failed to determine which animal was responsible, the attacks stopped. Those animals believed safe were returned to the wild away from human populations, while others were kept in captivity. The rescue operation, part jail and part rehabilitation, combines with public education to try to lower human-animal conflict.

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  • The army of women saving India's storks

    After a conservation biologist noticed that the number of birds in her Indian village dwindled over the years, she knew she had to take action. Purnima Devi Barman started to help educate her community about the historical significance and importance of the greater adjutant storks, and formed the “Hargila Army,” a volunteer crew of 400 women who help protect the birds. Thanks to their efforts over the last 13 years, they’ve been able to increase the endangered species’ numbers from just 27 in to more than 210.

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  • How effective are China's attempts to reduce the risk of wildlife spreading disease to humans?

    In order to get a handle on the spread of COVID-19, and to prevent future zoonotic disease outbreaks, China introduced temporary regulations banning commercial breeding of wildlife for meat consumption. These have hit farmers hard, with at least 20,000 farming operations shutting down by the end of February. With the bans on their way to fully becoming a law, local governments are trying to provide training and loans to help farmers transition to new products, but some claim the process is slow and doesn’t go far enough to prevent the breeding of the banned creatures for fur farming and traditional medicine.

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  • Saving Cape Cod's dolphins

    To prevent the mass stranding of dolphins on Cape Cod, staff and volunteers from the International Fund for Animal Welfare are utilizing technology to work efficiently and quickly to save these creatures. An app called Send Word Now helps coordinate their 220 rescue volunteers along the coast, which has led to an increased in dolphin survival rate over the years. In Wellfleet, researchers are using sound recording devices to listen to dolphin sounds, which can help predict if they’re about to strand and offers more time for first responders to help.

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  • Wacky tube men could keep dingoes away from livestock in Australia

    Those wacky waving inflatable tube men normally seen outside car dealerships may also have a dual purpose: stopping wild dingoes from killing livestock. Inspired by a similar attempt in Oregon, scientists tested the approach in Australia, where nine of the 12 dingoes ran away in fear after seeing the tube man compared with a control group. While some conservationists aren’t convinced that the tube men are a practical solution, it could be combined with other methods to protect livestock in the Outback.

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  • How Fishers Became Data Scientists to Strengthen Their Marine Protected Area

    A research project in a marine protected area (MPA) off the coast of South Africa brought fishers and scientists together to understand the abundance of fish and rock lobster in the waters. The project paid fishers to lower baited remote underwater video stations and got youth involved to review the video footage. By bringing fishers into the project and building trust with the community, they were able to demonstrate the importance of a MPA and empower them to be part of the decision-making process.

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  • Migratory birds openbill storks find safe haven in Andhra village

    The Asian openbill stork makes its home in the Telukunchi village in India for six months of the year, and the locals band together to protect this migratory bird. The birds thrive off of the wetlands environment and up to 10,000 storks breed and lay eggs there each season. This community has largely been able to protect these birds over the years, but more could be done to work with the government to legally protect these habitats.

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  • Decoy turtle eggs put in nests to track illegal trade in Costa Rica

    The conservation organization Paso Pacifico "InvestEggator" program uses a set of fake sea turtle eggs to track the illegal trade of the eggs after they are snatched from nests on Costa Rica beaches. Satellite tags in the decoy eggs were tracked to mostly local sites where the eggs were then sold. This intelligence will help conservationists target trafficking enforcement and deterrence campaigns geographically. The illegal trade in green and olive ridley turtle eggs is a threat to the turtle populations, but previous enforcement aimed at those who poached the nests did little to solve the problem.

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  • An unexpected outcome of the Great Bear Rainforest agreement: tasty sustainable scallops

    Coastal Shellfish, an Indigenous aquaculture company in British Columbia, is focusing on sustainable food and food security through its product Great Bear Scallops. This is the first project funded by the Costal Funds trust set up by donors, governments, and First Nations to support sustainable Indigenous-led businesses. The company has been selling scallops to several local businesses like restaurants and breweries.

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  • Spots of hope: Some good news for South Africa's cheetahs

    A cheetah conservation project in South Africa has helped the cat population rebound over the years by securing them in wildlife reserves. The Cheetah Metapopulation Project started in 2011 when there were 217 cheetahs, but a decade later, there are now 419 across the reserves. While there is debate about whether the focus should be on the quantity of cheetahs or the quality of their enclosures, the project has been successful and they’re looking to share their cheetahs and conservation lessons with other countries.

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