Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Drone Swarms and Gene-Altered Corals Fight Climate Change

    Replanting and replenishing damaged ecosystems is crucial to mitigating further adverse effects of climate change. From the forests of the American Pacific Northwest, to the coral reefs around the globe, startups and scientists are working to increase the resilience of natural systems. DroneSeed, in Seattle, WA, leverages drone technology to increase reforestation efforts. Meanwhile, biologists in Thailand are working to cultivate hardy corals.

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  • Rooftop beehives in Philly help nurture bees—and maintain our food supply

    Bees and other pollinator populations have been rapidly declining, threatening food production nationwide, but urban beekeeping is helping to fight against this trajectory. In Philadelphia, rooftop beekeeping has become the norm for one section of the city, where the honey harvested goes directly to the businesses in the area.

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  • A Vision For Floating Buildings, Minus the Libertarian Politics

    A floating prototype in the San Francisco bay - envisioned by researchers at California College of Art - is testing the sustainability and possibilities of the creation of floating buildings. The structure, which has successfully integrated with barnacles and other marine life, is one in a number of visions of floating communities that respond to the rapidly appearing effects of climate change on coastal communities.

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  • Our Zoo is Greener Than Your Zoo

    The Philadelphia Zoo has created an in-house, vertical garden – housed in a shipping container provided by the nonprofit, CropBox – to grow food for the animals. So far, it has shown to be a more sustainable way of feeding the animals, producing 275 lbs of greens per month and using 70-90% less water than traditional farming. The garden is just one of the zoo’s newest sustainability initiatives, which include increasing energy efficiency, using solar-powered vehicles, and creating more trails and spaces for the animals.

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  • Dengue fever virtually eradicated from Far North Queensland, scientists say

    To prevent the spread of dengue fever, scientists in Queensland partnered with local school children, community groups and businesses to breed and release Wolbachia bacterium. This approach which saw a "93 percent decrease in reported dengue cases" is now being implemented in 10 other countries to stop the spread of this mosquito-borne disease.

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  • Instead Of Killing Prairie Dogs, Researchers Consider Birth Control

    Researchers at Denver’s Bluff Lake Nature Center are trying a new approach to controlling the prairie dog population: birth control. While still in the experimental phase, it has shown to be effective for larger animals, which makes the approach promising. Birth control is the preferred way of curbing the prairie dog population, because while they bring challenges, they are also a necessary part of the ecosystem.

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  • Coral gardeners bring back Jamaica's reefs, piece by piece

    In Jamaica, locally-led coral nurseries are working to restore the coral reef that have been lost to natural and manmade disasters. These organizations have small coral gardens where they can grow free of danger and when they’re big enough, are transported to a reef. With coral and fish being so codependent in the underwater ecosystem, the regrowth of coral has meant an increase of fish and fishing for the country, which many people rely on for their livelihood.

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  • The Fashion Executives Who Saved a Patagonian Paradise

    After amassing a large amount of property in Chile, the Tompkins Conservation would donate millions of acres to the government to maintain as national parks for wildlife conservation and sustainable land use. This was the largest act of “wildlands philanthropy” in history. When the Tompkins started buying land, locals were at first distrustful, but now they’re concerned the government won’t be able to maintain the properties. Thanks to the Tompkins Conservation, wildlife, like the South Andean deer, are being reintroduced and forests have recovered.

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  • California crab fishermen are testing “ropeless” gear to save whales—and themselves

    Fishermen, scientists, and conservationists in California are teaming up to prevent more humpback whale deaths due to tapping Dungeness crabs that are used in markets and restaurants. The number of whale entanglements from fishing gear and ropes on the West Coast has increased over the years. A new technology known as “ropeless gear” shows promise, which uses acoustics to retrieve traps off the ocean floor, but the cost of the device and other challenges remain. “It’s a great, great step forwards — particularly from the perspective of the whale,” says an attorney from the Center for Biological Diversity.

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  • Saving The Planet One Drone At A Time

    As conservationists around the world grapple with saving endangered species, many have turned to the tech sector. Initiatives like The Zooniverse, a citizen science platform for people-powered research, are helping expand over 90 different projects. Even more, scientists have started directly collaborating with technologists to develop products, like weather-resistant cameras for capturing penguins in Antarctica, specially for their work.

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