Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • As Climate Change Depletes Forests, One Of India's Greenest States Turns To Its People

    In 2007 a program in Meghalaya, India called The Khasi Hills Community REDD+ Project was created to bring together the community members in an agreement to protect the sacred groves there. This was part of the larger REDD project within India by the United Nations to mitigate some of the effects of deforestation and forest degradation. The longterm goal is to revive 27,000 hectares (about 66,718 acres) of forests and to serve as an example for other biodiverse areas in the country. The project has since received international funding to support other things as well, like stimulating the tourist economy.

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  • Freshwater springs support amazing ecosystems and reflect the health of aquifers humans rely on. What can we do to protect them?

    Freshwater springs are an indicator of the health and quality of our groundwater (drinking water), but their conservation is often overlooked in government funding. This article offers a few examples of ongoing efforts to protect them. One of those is the Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge in New Mexico that has brought back several endangered species of snails and crustaceans in addition to native grasses as a result of their conservation.

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  • This fish-zapping robot is hunting invasive lionfish in coral reefs

    The Guardian is a robot that uses electric shocks to catch the lionfish, an invasive species that has been detrimental across the Atlantic. The project has transformed into a non-profit called Robots in Service of the Environment, which supports the mission of reducing lionfish to protect reefs and other natural habitats and species.

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  • Scientists are getting creative to save this muppet-faced, flightless parrot

    Scientists, volunteers, and rangers are working around the clock to save the endangered kakapo, a native New Zealand bird. With only 147 of these charismatic birds left in the world, they’re taking a multi-pronged, highly technological approach. Efforts include smart transmitters that track every bird and when they’re mating, artificial inseminations, and hatching fertile eggs in captivity while mothers sit on 3D-printed smart eggs.

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  • The Last Wolves

    Vaccination against diseases such as rabies and canine distemper virus in dogs can have positive effects on public health and biodiversity. In Ethiopia, diseases spread from semi-feral dogs threaten communities of the endangered Ethiopian wolf. The non-profit Ethiopian Wolf Conservation Program (EWCP) partners with the government as well as numerous international partners to inoculate dogs and educate villages in public health awareness. EWCP has also undertaken vaccination programs for populations of wolves, as well.

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  • A Comeback for African National Parks

    The Gorongosa National Park in Mozambique has repopulated its large mammals by over 700 percent through collaborations between wildlife authorities and nonprofits. With millions of dollars in philanthropic assistance, the park’s revival is made possible by supporting and using local and indigenous knowledge, as well as taking a whole-community approach that provides services for those towns around African national parks. Such philanthropic approaches to conservation are part of a larger, global trend taking place in countries around the world.

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  • Citizen Science Comes of Age

    As climate change accelerates, there is a growing need for scientific data to track and respond to the changes in our environment. Unburdened by the stress of academia or funding, volunteer citizen scientists are stepping in to fill the gaps. A citizen science group in Australia called Reef Life Survey says that trained volunteers help set a baseline of information on things such as water temperature that can be referred back to later. They also have many eyes gathering data over a long period of time, allowing more minute data to be recorded as well as getting data from the edges of studied territories.

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  • Zookeeper, Zookeeper Make Me A Match: How The Denver Zoo Sets Up Animal Pairs

    Species Survival Plan Coordinators help grow zoo populations across the United States sustainably. In an interview with the vice president of Animal Care at Denver Zoo, Hollie Colahan, she explains how detailed and scientific this process is. Coordinators must have an understanding of the animals’ genetics, pedigrees, and personalities to best ensure their ability to pair up and mate.

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  • Butterfly business: Insect farmers help conserve East African forests

    In Kenya and Tanzania, butterfly farming is emerging as a viable alternative to those seeking employment beyond illegal logging or hunting practices. While up to 1,200 farmers have participated in various butterfly projects across the countries, using their profits to educate their families and begin small businesses, the initiative has seen some roadblock from government mandates preventing wildlife exports.

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  • Resurrecting the Greenback, Take Two

    Fish conservation, in the rural streams of the Western United States, requires a remarkable amount of ongoing human intervention. Take the greenback cutthroat trout, Colorado's state fish. The greenback is bred in labs as part of a delicate effort to restore it to its native habitat. But in the wake of a 30 year conservation misstep, due to mistaken identity, scientists are undecided on the best path forward.

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