Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • No More Shooting Crows. Nampa, Idaho Gets Creative To Solve Bird Problem

    In urban centers, crows aggregate in huge numbers, causing headaches for business owners and residents. In Nampa, Idaho, officials are getting creative in dissuading the birds nightly visits. The tactics--from noise guns to laser pointers--are nonlethal, but the crow's renowned intelligence makes these methods more arms race than quick fix.

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  • How Nepal Doubled its Tiger Population

    “If we protect one tiger, all the landscape is protected,” says a park warden in Nepal whose job is to ensure the longevity of the tiger population--and it has worked. In the last ten years, the Bengal tiger population in Nepal has doubled. By working to balance the ecosystem through protecting surrounding animals and vegetation, the balanced ecosystem approach has allowed the tiger population to thrive, while also supporting tourism revenue in local economies.

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  • A Faster Way to Find Illicit Fins

    New DNA testing technology is showing promise as a faster, cheaper way to determine if a shark fin came from a protected species, an important task to curbing the illicit shark fin trade across the world. While experts warn that the technology won't act as a deterrent to the practice, it will help authorities better track and determine if shipments are suspect.

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  • Restoring the Range: Can Beef Be Earth-Friendly?

    Mortenson Cattle Ranch in Hayes, South Dakota is redefining sustainability practices for cattle-raising farmers by using a model that restored the habitat, wildlife, and water sources on their land. Mimicking the habits of bison herds, the Mortensons use a technique called holistic range management to rotate their cattle's grazing areas, which increases distribution of wildflower and grass seeds, as well as planting trees and replenishing groundwater using dikes and dams. Having started this in the 1980s, 90% of their 19,000 acre property is back to native vegetation, and efforts are still ongoing.

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  • Buffalo Exchange collects furs to give back to animals

    Second-hand clothing store Buffalo Exchange receives donations of difficult to sell fur coats and sends them to Coats for Cubs, which repurposes the coats into bedding for recovering wild animals. The real fur bedding soothes and comforts the animals as they recover.

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  • Cooking beetles: An island in Assam is eating its farm pest

    A small island in India is eating their pests in an entomophagic restaurant before they in turn destroy their crops. The island of Majuli has been plagued by an infestation of white grub beetles for a long time, but starting in 2012 as many as 400 farmers have been trained to capture the beetle when they emerge out of the ground for mating season. Since 2010, 900,000 beetles have been collected and are now ending up on residents' plates. This strategy has since won several awards for its innovation and sustainability.

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  • Deer Wars: The Forest Awakens

    On the British Columbia group of islands called Haida Gwaii, a project called Restoring Balance is working to lessen invasive mammals and restore the ecosystem to what it once was. A key part of this was the targeted eradication of deer, which happened mostly through hunting and ambush stations. One year later, most are gone. Bit by bit, species by species, the removal of invasive animals has allowed the land to return to its native biodiversity and strengthen its ecosystem resilience.

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  • A ‘FitBit for squid' could help track the ocean's squishier species

    Squids play an important role in the ecosystem, so scientists are focusing efforts on better understanding how the species adapts to climate change. By creating a "FitBit for squid," scientists have successfully been able to monitor soft-bodied invertebrates.

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  • The Brazilian photographer and the 20-year reforestation project of over 2.7 million trees

    A Brazilian photographer and his wife set out to restore devastated land in the late 1990s by replanting the forest, which would in turn bring back the wildlife. To date the pair and their organization, Instituto Terra, have replanted more than 2 million trees, seen the return of over 500 different species of birds, mammals, amphibians, and flora, and brought back to life the 8 natural springs on the land. There only remains 10% of the land to restore, and at the same time they've also developed more than 700 educational projects that reach over 65,000 people across the nation.

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  • Facial recognition for chimps searches the internet for stolen baby apes

    Facial recognition technology is now being used to crack down on illegal poaching of chimpanzees, an endangered species. By adapting algorithms for human recognition into a prototype, researchers are hoping to find and protect chimpanzees and other animals that are being illegally traded.

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