Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Drones help track critically endangered swift parrots in NSW Riverina

    The swift parrot population in the NSW Riverina in Australia is quickly declining and historically used tracking methods are falling short in accurate measurements. To better track the birds and monitor survival methods, researchers are using drones to track the species' movement.

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  • Bees are dying at an alarming rate. Amsterdam may have the answer.

    Despite declining bee populations internationally, Amsterdam's bee population has stabilized and appears to be on the rise. Thanks to several initiatives such as insect hotels, the banning of pesticides and the creation of bee-friendly environments, the city's government-enforced pollinator strategy provides lessons for cities everywhere.

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  • Getting Purple Sea Urchins Out Of California Waters

    Purple sea urchins are taking over the coast of California, diminishing the supply of bull kelp and causing problems for the underwater ecosystem. Divers from a broad range of backgrounds are volunteering to remove a portion of the population in order to restore balance.

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  • Helping solve the wildest crimes

    In Ashland, Oregon exists the one of a kind U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Forensics Laboratory. Handling both federal and international trade crimes, the lab uses a combination of forensic tactics to identify species killed by alleged poachers and smugglers.

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  • These probiotics for bees are designed to boost insect immune systems

    As bee populations continue to decrease, beekeepers and scientists are left searching for solutions to sustain the colonies that are left. One possible solution may be adding probiotics to the bee's diet. Similar to the way humans react to foods high in probiotics, the supplement appears to boost the bees' immune system and increase their resiliency to various pathogens.

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  • Paris Bees at Work From Notre-Dame to the Luxembourg Gardens

    Beekeeping is on the rise in Paris, with over 1,000 hives already actively counted in city limits and beekeeping classes enrolled to maximum capacity. Although motives differentiate between beekeepers, all efforts are beneficial to the environment since the species is responsible for pollinated nearly a third of the world's crops.

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  • California divers fight to turn the tide on a collapsing ecosystem

    Purple sea urchins are taking over the California coastal waters that were once known for sought-after species such as abalone. Seen as an indicator of an ailing ocean as well as a detriment to local diving businesses, divers from all over California are joining forces to work towards removing a vast amount of the species.

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  • We're Getting Better at Saving Seabirds After Oil Spills

    There used to be a time when oil spills devastated entire populations of animals. Although still an environmental disaster, scientists and wildlife veterinarians have become profoundly more successful at treating oiled birds. Crediting much of the success to better understanding the importance of order of treatment, rehabilitated birds are surviving at a much higher rate than ever before.

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  • Hawaii Enlists Urchins to Help Corals Resist Algae Invasion

    In Hawaii's Kāne'ohe Bay, an invasive algae introduced by a scientist in the 1970s was still wreaking havoc for coral reefs. After attempting human-driven solutions to rid the area of the species, scientists have instead found success by unleashing urchins that can eat double their body weight in algae per day.

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  • Urban Ecological Consciousness at Wave Hill

    The interventions documented in the exhibition Ecological Consciousness show how artists can impact people’s experience of the natural world as well as making a positive impact on nature itself. The projects include a man-made wetland park that has improved water quality, urban gardens made in collaboration with community groups, and the remediation of a superfund site.

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