Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Pregnant Women Struggling with Addiction Say Doctors Turned Them Away. This Appalachian Clinic Is Changing That.

    The University of Tennessee Medical Center clinic has engaged a specific set of experts to form the High Risk Obstetrical Consultants team that focuses on treating opioid-addicted pregnant women as well as the infant after childbirth. The goal of the program is to stabilize the mother and then offer a choice for the rest of the pregnancy of either completely detoxing or remaining on medically assisted treatment.

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  • Life-saving surgery but not by a doctor

    In Ethiopia, emergency surgical officers are helping to provide surgical care such as Cesarean sections, that is typically performed by surgeons. Although these health-care providers do not have the full training of surgeons, they have shown comparable success rates and played a significant role in reducing the rate of childbirth deaths.

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  • A new initiative is trying to make searching for tampons easier for Highland Park women. It's part of a national movement.

    In 2013, the United Nations deemed access to menstrual supplies a human right. Since then, Illinois has taken a number of steps to make access to these products even easier. This story includes solutions such as free dispensers in public restrooms, eliminating the "luxury" or "tampon" tax, and drives to collect pads and tampons for low-income and homeless women.

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  • Drive-thru brothels: why cities are building 'sexual infrastructure'

    Attitudes towards the legalization of sex work are changing around the world, and now some cities have even started considering public spaces for sex work while developing urban infrastructure plans. From Cologne, Germany (where there are "sex drive-throughs" that are equipped with safety features, facilities for rest, and toilets for the workers) to Amsterdam (where they are developing new rules for window-based sex work), governments are now increasingly inviting sex workers and their representatives to the negotiating table.

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  • Mamacare: Using health education to improve maternal and child health in Lagos State

    Providing mothers with access to health education during and after pregnancy helps reduce child mortality. In Nigeria, the Mamacare program teaches pregnant women about nutrition, hygiene, and infant health at clinics across Lagos State. The program, which is affiliated with WellBeing Foundation Africa, uses a network of midwives, who share experiences, teach lessons, and encourage the women to give birth at clinics.

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  • Paid Family Leave Is a Game Changer for New Parents' Health, Not Just Their Economic Security

    The United States is the only developed nation to not have a national paid family leave policy, so several states are enacting their own form of the policy in order to better serve families and child development. The handful of states that have implemented a policy that allows for time off work with at least partial pay, have reported a myriad of successful outcomes including a decrease in infant and maternal mortality rates and overall better health of the child.

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  • Tribal communities in Michigan use traditional knowledge to tackle modern public health crisis

    In Michigan, infant mortality for Native American babies is almost triple the rate of infant mortality for white babies. To combat this troubling reality, tribal communities are working to reintegrate traditional knowledge into parenting practices, starting with culturally aware breastfeeding classes. The program is helping to ensure that indigenous communities and families have the resources they need to keep their babies safe and healthy.

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  • Sacramento's Plan To Keep Black Children Alive Is Working — And LA Is Watching

    Local officials in Los Angeles County are focusing efforts on leveling the playing field when it comes to health outcomes for infants across races. Although efforts are underway, there are several key takeaways that have worked in Sacramento – such as data analyzation, local community involvement, and culturally sensitive initiatives – that Los Angeles County could model.

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  • Sacramento Drop In Black Child Deaths Holds Lessons for LA

    After launching an initiative aimed at reducing Black infant deaths, Sacramento County's success is now a model for other areas of California looking to make similar changes. Local officials joined with other community advocates and experts to analyze 20 years of data that showed specific disparities. They then created resources to addressing specific issues and empower residents in seven targeted neighborhoods throughout the county.

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  • How Making Reusable Pads Is Helping Women In Bidibidi

    Menstrual hygiene can be a challenge especially in Bidibidi, one of the largest refugee settlements in the world. However, with the help of Catholic Relief Service (CARITAS), women are now being trained in how to make reusable sanitary napkins. Many women have received a sewing machine and can now sell their handmade pads to neighbors, thus providing both an income and a hygienic (and eco-friendly) solution.

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