Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Parents are donating dirty diapers to give babies a head start in life

    Evolve BioSystems developed a diagnostic tool to determine if babies have healthy microbiomes. Many infants are born without enough bacteria in their guts which can lead to poor health outcomes. The test will determine of children need more bacteria through a stool sample. By boosting gut health in infants, the company estimates they can cut down on diaper use—healthy guts mean less stool.

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  • The Joy Of Child Spacing While Giving Birth: One PHC's Story

    Through ‘child spacing’ strategies, Nigerian health centers have helped women gain greater autonomy and have increased planning about the size of their family. Nurses discuss child spacing with women during antenatal visits and provide options regarding use of contraception.

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  • A shocking number of U.S. women still die of childbirth. California is doing something about that.

    While maternal mortality rates climbed in the United States, California decreased its incidence of maternal death in childbirth. A collaborative group formed to study the issue and started the Maternal Data Center to keep track of how and why women died. Other states are trying to replicate their success with a collaborative called Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health.

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  • Birth Control to Fight Poverty in Guanacaste

    In the Guanacaste region of Costa Rica, a non-profit is donating IUDs to women, acknowledging that the lack of access to contraception and family planning services is part of a cycle of poverty for many women and families. So far, paired with education about the process and based off of similar programs in the U.S. and other countries, organizations have helped 60 women receive IUDs.

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  • Sit in a circle. Talk to other pregnant women. Save your baby's life?

    In South Carolina, doctors are scaling programs based off of CenteringPregnancy, an initiative that uses group doctor appoints to better infant health and decrease infant mortality. Research shows that providing prenatal care in a group setting helps to build a sense of community and reduce stress among women who might not have stability during their pregnancy otherwise.

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  • Women in tech are mobilizing to improve access to abortion providers

    A collaboration between pro-choice activists and tech workers is—in the face of increasing restrictive policy—creating access to services and information. Events like the Abortion Access Hackathon provide a means for collective action to create websites detailing the location of clinics and each state’s law regarding abortion.

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  • Alapa: Why family planning is becoming a household name in Oyo State

    The Nigerian state of Oyo has a modern Contraceptive Prevalence Rate (mCPR) of 24%, which is the highest in the country compared to the national average of 10.8%. This can be attributed to family planning services brought to citizens through a fruitful partnership between government efforts and outside partners like nonprofit Marie Stopes International Organization of Nigeria (MSION). Since 2013 MSION has helped bring an influx of new family planning information and media outreach, improve clinic facilities and services, offer counseling for pre- and postnatal care, and much more.

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  • Mothers lead children HIV transmission fight in Kisii and Homa Bay

    A mentorship program in Kenya has proven effective at slashing rates of HIV transmission to infants and reducing stigma surrounding the illness. Mentor mothers offer support and education to HIV-positive pregnant women to ensure they stay on anti-retro viral drugs to avoid passing the virus to their unborn children and they work with them through the first 18 months of a child's life. Similar programs in other African countries have reached an estimated 1.4 million HIV-positive women.

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  • With genome sequencing, some sick infants are getting a shot at healthy lives

    Project Baby Bear is a grant-funded pilot program that uses genome sequencing to to diagnose sick infants. The doctors hope to save lives and save the system money on unnecessary treatments. Since very few sick infants show symptoms that correlate to their genetic diagnosis, these tests are instrumental in positive health outcomes.

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  • Women in the U.S. Can Now Get Safe Abortions by Mail

    Aid Access is the first company to send abortion pills to women who cannot access health services in the United States. The company conducts online appointments before sending the drugs. Women on the Web has done this work internationally for years, but the service was not available in the United States.

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