Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Gender equality key to development

    The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) is working to implement maternal and newborn child health programs in East Africa. Though the project has incorporated a wide-range of initiatives, many of them have relied on a single underlying principle that has proven to be effective: the empowerment of local women.

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  • Ecuador's Push to Let Women Stand During Childbirth

    A program in Ecuador invites indigenous parteras, or midwives, into state hospitals in order to accommodate and better provide services for indigenous women. After the program was implemented the child birth rate dropped from “zero deaths during childbirth, compared to 10 deaths over the previous four years.” It also won an award from the Pan American Health Organization in 2012 for reducing the mortality rate through culturally sensitive care.

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  • Spreading Plan C to End Pregnancy

    Access to safe abortions and pregnancy termination medications has been of intense debate and restriction. This article looks at campaigns to increase access to an under-recognized form of medication that can serve as a "plan-c" for women.

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  • Health workers create support network to north central Ohio mothers

    Community Health Workers in Richmond County work to reduce barriers - including employment, education, smoking, food security or housing - that may contribute to the likelihood of infant mortality. Using the Community HUB Pathways Model to minimize significant sources of stress in a woman’s life, they are helping drive down infant mortality rates in Ohio, particularly for women and babies of color.

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  • Some States Are Making It Easier To Get Birth Control

    With the dismantling of the Affordable Care Act, the issues of birth control access and reproductive rights have become increasingly polarized and volatile. Some states are taking it upon themselves to improve access to birth control, without the federal mandate, through policies such as allowing pharmacists to re-prescribe certain types of birth control, and to distribute up to 12 months of birth control at a time, which has been proven in some cases to increase a woman's likelihood to use birth control, as it reduces costs and time for the patient.

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  • The Tiny Bracelet That Saves Newborns from Hypothermia

    The intensive, alert care low weight infants need is often complicated by overstressed parents and overstretched hospital workers. A bracelet that monitors an infants temperature--and gives an alert when the temperature falls to unsafe levels--provides valuable support to ensuring the safety of these vulnerable young lives.

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  • How Armenia Is Trying to Stop Sex-Selective Abortions

    In Armenia, sons are far more desired than daughters leading to a high prevalence of sex-selective abortions that is resulting in a shortage of girls. 'Save the Children' works with families to help them see how similar girls and boys are, in order to help decrease abortions.

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  • Where Pregnancy Isn't A Death Sentence

    In the Nigeria state of Ondo the maternal mortality rate fell by 40 percent after the state unrolled the Abiye vanguard program. Over 400 health vanguard’s were hired to ensure that pregnant women delivered their babies in healthcare facilities, rather than with traditional birth attendants. “94.7 percent of deliveries today are now handled by skilled attendants, compared to 38 percent nationwide.”

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  • Talking it Out: Female Genital Mutilation in Ethiopia

    Genital Mutilaiton, a culturally rooted practice that carries a host of immediate and long-term health risks is being condemned globally. In response, this piece looks at the KMG model, utilizing community discussions to create understanding and lower the amount of occurrences.

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  • In rural India, MIT grads aim to improve access to sanitary pads for women

    For women in rural parts of India, it is common to not be taught about the role menstruation plays due to the stigma that surrounds the topic. To bring both a better understanding and better hygienic practices to these areas, a startup has started using "locally-sourced banana fiber to create biodegradable sanitary napkins, which degrade faster if buried and don’t have to be burned" with the goal of increasing access.

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