Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Perks of Roommates With a 50-Year Age Difference

    Intergenerational home sharing is a mutually beneficial option for seniors and young people. There are about 60 programs, run by cities, nonprofits, and platforms in the style of Airbnb, that connect seniors and young people for cohabitation. Seniors benefit by being able to stay in their homes, collect income, and have someone to help with social isolation and household chores. Young people benefit from access to affordable housing options in high-cost areas and engaging in rich relationship building. Home sharing services are facing legal challenges and the Covid-19 pandemic made cohabiting more risky.

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  • From Settlement to University

    The Romani Education Fund in Slovakia is helping children from the Roma community, which has a history of social and economic disadvantages as well as being subject to ethnic discrimination, overcome challenges to finish high school and pursue higher education. The REF works by providing qualifying students with a stipend to pay for educational supplies, as well as providing school guidance and personal mentorship to help both students and parents overcome the social hurdles that impede the student's desire or ability to fulfill their potential.

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  • In the quiet of a shutdown, students and seniors forge new friendships

    When the Covid-19 pandemic resulted in widespread lockdowns, a Washington, D.C. Episcopal day school partnered with a retirement home to help students and seniors provide companionship to one another and decrease loneliness. To help alleviate nerves about talking with someone they've never met, the program trained the students in skills such as cold-calling and offered an introductory script for the initial conversation. The students have reported valuing the conversations while the seniors have said "the connection has been a lifeline."

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  • Hungarian Program Connects Seniors With Stand-in Grandkids

    The How Are You Today? program connects elderly Hungarians with young people who are also deprived of social connections during the Covid-19 pandemic. Festival Volunteer Center joined with Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta to connect about 70 pairs for regular, supportive conversations to alleviate loneliness. Volunteers are trained to maintain boundaries to avoid certain emotional risks, however many participants have formed strong bonds and want the program to continue in some form after the pandemic. The organization is working on sustainable funding solutions to enable long-term operations.

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  • A vírus “mellékhatása”: generációkat kötött össze egy magyar program a kijárási korlátozás alatt

    A „Hogy tetszik lenni?” projekt magyar nyugdíjasokat és fiatalokat ismertet össze, akiknek megritkultak a társas kapcsolatai a Covid-19 járvány idején. A Fesztivál Önkéntes Központ a Máltai Szeretetszolgálattal közösen hetven idős-fiatal párt hozott össze, akik rendszeres beszélgetésekkel mérsékelték magányérzetüket. A fiatal önkénteseket felkészítették arra, hogy miként kerüljenek el bizonyos érzelmi reakciókat. A projekt eredményeként a résztvevők szoros személyes kapcsolatot alakítottak ki és ezt a járvány után is fenn kívánják tartani.

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  • Symbiotic Relationships

    Symbios, a group home in Brno, Czech Republic, aims to equip young adults who grew up in children's homes with life skills by pairing them with college-aged adults, who come from traditional home environments. Within the affordable flat, participants are paired by gender, given their own private room, and those who came from children's homes to learn basic skills like cooking, finding furniture for their unfurnished quarters, and being responsible for their own bills. The experience also allows residents to learn more about people who grew up differently, sharing similarities and differences along the way.

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  • The Kearns model: Strengthening teens through coping skills and mentoring

    A high school program in Utah is combating increasing rates of teenage suicide by equipping children with the tools they need to manage thoughts of hopelessness. The program is known as ME (Mood Enhancement) Time and aims to provide youth with tools to learn the connection between their thoughts, actions, and feelings in order to be aware of what they can control to counter sadness and hopelessness. Students meet in counseling groups of 6-8 students for six sessions and discuss tools such as physical activity, keeping a mood journal to become more self-aware, and volunteering to alleviate depressive symptoms

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  • Silicon Valley Teen's Podcast Peeks Into The Minds Of Her Peers Audio icon

    A podcast designed and hosted by a Silicon Valley teenager has provided a place for local youth to share their struggles and combat loneliness. Although the podcast doesn't replace the work of actual counselors, it has helped some teenagers break through communication barriers with their parents.

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  • Když děti z dětského domova bydlí se studenty

    Když mladí lidé bez rodinného zázemí dosáhnou dospělosti a mají opustit dětský domov, chybí jim běžné dovednosti a zkušenosti potřebné k životu. Právě s tím se snaží pracovat brněnský sociální dům Symbios. Nabízí mladým lidem opouštějícím dětské domovy cenově dostupné bydlení a propojení s dospělými vysokoškoláky, pocházejícími z tradičního domácího prostředí. S nimi mladí dospělí z dětský domovů sdílí dvoupokojový byt, kde mají vlastní pokoj. Společné soužití a sdílení vzájemných rozdílů a podobností je obohacující pro všechny zúčastněné.

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  • ‘More high-tech than high touch': Youth-serving organizations are getting creative amid pandemic

    Milwaukee's nonprofits serving youth are finding new ways to check in and connect with their students as the coronavirus rules out the possibility for in-person afterschool programming. “Social distancing doesn’t mean social disconnection," the director of a community organization said. "We want to encourage youth to stay in touch with each other and with trusted adults."

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