Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • In Toronto, Muslims offer ‘shelter bus' for the homeless

    Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association Canada and Humanity First Canada teamed up to transform a bus into a mobile shelter for the homeless, complete with 20 beds, a kitchenette, a bathroom, internet, and more. The program is called Shelter Bus and, since launching in December 2019, has served over 1,000 people and reaches up to 50 people a day. The bus has been described as "heaven" by some guests, and they are now planning to have 3 buses by the next year.

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  • New Reddit project makes mental health care accessible to young Muslims

    Reddit has long been home to an Islam-focused message board that helps to connect people over a shared belief, but the online community is now expanding to include a twice monthly mental health discussion. Hosted by a licensed clinical psychologist, this "Ask Me Anything" style subreddit helps to eliminate barriers for those seeking help by "providing psychology services 'rooted in Islamic principles.'"

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  • Muslims bailout fund raises nearly $150,000 to reunite migrant families

    A campaign called Muslims for Migrants by the Islamic nonprofit CelebrateMercy raises money to pay bond fees for immigrant parents who are detained while awaiting trial. The funds are donated to another nonprofit called the National Bail Fund Network, and so far the funds have released ten parents back to their families. The director of CelebrateMercy says that the forced separation of families is against everything taught by the Prophet Muhammad and the Islamic faith.

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  • During Ramadan, virtual spaces help stave off the loneliness for some Muslims

    Digital platforms can provide a space for those living apart from their religious communities to affirm their identity. From hash tags to online academies, Muslims who otherwise would not have regular access to a mosque or religious network are creating their own communities online. During Ramadan, the communities offer support and allow people to break their fasts with others.

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  • In D.C., a call for restaurants to give fasting Muslims an alternative to IHOP in Ramadan

    Being inclusive involves demonstrating consideration and making space for the traditions and customs of others. To encourage these practices among businesses and restaurants in the Washington D.C. area with regard to the Muslim holiday of Ramadan, Katherine Ashworth Brandt started Dine After Dark. Currently, the nonprofit partners with Martha’s Table, offering additional meals during designated hours.

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  • In Chicago, one mosque charts its own path

    Masjid al-Rabia, a small mosque on the third floor of in a co-working space in downtown Chicago, is making waves as an untraditional prayer space. Not only is it woman-centered (not led), but their services are made accessible to all genders, sexualities, abilities, classes, etc. The mosque also has a focus on prison outreach, sending care packages with prayer rugs, prayer caps, Qurans, newsletters, and other spiritual literature to over 500 Muslim detainees in jails, prisons, detention centers, and institutions across the country.

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  • In Detroit, one organization is schooling Muslims on racial justice

    In a movement that started from a trending hashtag on Twitter - #BeingBlackandMuslim - scholars and activists around the country are working to reduce stereotypes about Black Muslims. Organizations that arose from the movement now compile toolkits, syllabi, and other educational materials about being Black and Muslim in America, and how stereotypes and racism is perpetuated both within and outside religious communities.

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  • Madrasa Discourses equip tomorrow's Islamic scholars with scientific literacy

    In collaboration with Notre Dame University, graduates of madrasas in India are receiving additional education about Islam’s role in scientific development as well as a grounding in current scientific thought. In this manner, traditional education is being ‘refreshed’ from within by people who were educated by and are a part of the traditional madras education.

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  • In the US, Muslims are making slow inroads toward a greener Ramadan

    To combat food waste, leaders at Islamic centers and mosques around the world are looking to iftar, the evening meal that signals the end of the Ramadan fast. By discouraging food waste and the use of disposable kitchenware, many Islamic communities are already bringing about change.

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  • As US cities re-examine bail, Muslims launch a fund at Ramadan to pay it

    Islamic organizations focused on prison reform are asking the observant to make their zakat—a charitable donation made during Ramadan—go towards helping to pay the bail of an incarcerated Muslims. Through this push, these organizations are also raising awareness about the impact of cash bail and inequities in the prison system.

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