Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A New Place to Calm Mental Distress

    ERs are often ill-equipped to handle mentally ill patients and cause them more stress than they do help, furthermore, these recurring patients are costly. Mi Esperanza, a wellness center in CO, reduces unnecessary and counterproductive ER visits while providing those who are suffering a crisis a calm environment with talk therapy, and life coping strategies.

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  • How to feed the masses in small-town America

    When the only local grocery store in tiny Walsh, Colorado, shut down, the 600 residents of the town chipped in to re-open the store, combining community financing with traditional business savvy to keep the community institution afloat. Walch's grocery and other rural grocery stores with similar models have overcome the struggle of competition from national dollar stores with the community investment approach, leveraging close local ties to maintain support and funding.

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  • Is there a way to revive drought-stricken soil?

    Two brothers in rural Colorado use cover crops - crops grown to decompose into the soil in order to improve water retention - to cut back on excess water and synthetic fertilizer use on their potato farm. Despite high upfront costs, the brothers invested in cover cropping and managed to save money on water and resources in the long run, proving the positive financial and environmental effects of the cover crop system.

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  • Española has tried everything to stop drug overdoses

    One small town in New Mexico called Española is ahead of the nation in treating opioid-related drug overdoses. The city trains law enforcement officers and community members in treating overdoses, offers needle exchange programs to prevent the spread of diseases, and it has ensured that anti-addiction drugs are readily available.

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  • How a police chief used compassion to combat his community's drug problem

    Rather than put addicts in jail, a police station in Gloucester, Massachusetts helps get those in need into treatment centers. Now, communities all over the country, including the town of Española, New Mexico, treat addiction with empathy and urgency rather than jail time. The change in treatment has reduced drug-related crime as well as deaths from overdose.

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  • Pathways to recovery

    In Española, New Mexico, a state-funded program called the Pathways Community HUB Model brings law enforcement, health care providers, and treatment centers together to make sure they have a whole picture of each addiction patient's medical and criminal background. The program allows all entities to have access to a single database with medical and criminal records, allowing people working to combat addiction in the community to have a better idea of each patient's story.

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  • The Town that Tried it All

    The Santa Fe Mountain Center uses harm reduction strategies such as needle exchanges and providing naloxone and other supplies for safer drug use, to help those struggling with addiction. These strategies aim to reduce unnecessary harm while building trust to help people enter treatment when they’re ready. In the past year, the Center collected over one million needles, gave out more than 3,000 doses of naloxone and recorded over 700 successful overdose referrals.

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  • Can Alamosa find a fix for the ‘catch-all' emergency room?

    Wellness centers around Colorado aim to fill the treatment gap left by lack of mental health crisis intervention services. Rather than send individuals in a mental health crisis to a traditional emergency room - which can be overwhelming and increase anxiety for these patients - communities take advantage of alternative wellness centers that offer soothing settings and comforting staff.

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  • A video fix for rural healthcare's challenges

    The Access to Critical Cerebral Support Services (ACCESS) program in New Mexico allows Albuquerque specialists to video call into rural hospitals to give advice and direction in the case of stroke victims. The program saves smaller communities from having to fly patients who are having a stroke to larger cities, which often takes up critical time in which a patient needs to be treated.

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  • Can cutting down trees protect New Mexico's water?

    New Mexico adapts an innovative forestry idea from Quito, Ecuador, to prevent unpredictable and untamable forest fires. The application of this idea, called the Rio Grande Water Fund, raises money around the Rio Grande valley to pay for the thinning of overgrown forests on private and public lands. When trees are thinned out in dense areas, it's more difficult for fires to jump from the ground to the tree tops, which inhibits the rapid spreading of flames we've seen in recent years.

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