Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Tribes lead the way for faster internet access in New Mexico

    Across the United States, tribal lands have the lowest access to internet, an issue that restricts opportunity and education in those areas. In New Mexico, several small tribes have partnered to lay fiber-optic cables that connect the libraries, which serve as primary sources of internet connection, to faster, cheaper internet.

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  • How a rural electric co-op connected a community

    The Federal Communications Commission states that close to 39% of Americans in rural areas do not have high-speed internet access. Several co-ops in New Mexico are part of a move to change that. Kit Carson and other rural electric cooperatives are bringing fiber-optic internet access to increase the number of people with consistent and quality Internet access, which helps their businesses and their communities.

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  • In rural New Mexico, a way to make remote work, work

    One of the biggest economic challenges facing small rural towns is the lack of nearby jobs. To tackle this, SoloWorks is providing a physical space and internet access to connect rural New Mexico residents to remote jobs. The government only funds the program if it is successful, so the organization is incentivized to make progress. The success of this program will affect whether it spreads to other towns.

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  • Immigrants find their place in Luna County

    Across the country, various counties are experiencing changes in racial and ethnic demographics. This article looks at the school system in Luna County, a now predominantly Hispanic town is adapting to these shifts by creating a more inclusive educational experience, via biliteracy programs as well other measures.

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  • In New Mexico, demographic shifts have helped job growth

    Historically there has been stigma and pushback to bilingual and immigrant programs, but some counties are starting to embrace diversity as key to economic development. Greater diversity spurs innovation, entrepreneurship, and population growth in rural areas, recognition of these benefits has eased the stigma and encouraged more immigrant programs.

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  • Where in the West young people are moving

    Rural counties across the West are grappling with how to entice more young people to remain local, but a few counties demonstrate what it takes to succeed. By focusing on niche tourism industries, education, and housing, counties in Washington, Idaho, Colorado, and Utah are paving the way to bring families and young people back to the West.

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  • In New Mexico, a way out of the boom-bust cycle?

    Lea County, New Mexico felt the downfall of the oil industry deeply; now, towns like Hobbs rebuild their economic infrastructure by investing in alternative energy plants as well as affordable housing for its residents. The comprehensive approach builds the economic foundation of the community while ensuring that the people working in the town have access to affordable places to live.

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  • Rural economies get high on legal cannabis

    Many small towns in Colorado who have previously struggled economically are now benefitting from the legal marijuana industry. The marijuana sales tax is helping towns pay for infrastructure and development efforts. However, local officials are wary of becoming too reliant upon this industry, as it may not be sustainable. For the time being, towns are using their extra tax dollars to build up their communities.

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  • Digitally disconnected

    To address the lack of available WiFi outside of school settings, a local college in Farmington, New Mexico, offers students the ability to check out wireless hotspots for one week at a time, While the school's resources are limited and aren't able to provide for all students, the program has shed light on the need for Internet services in rural areas around the country.

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  • Native schools move forward by looking to the past

    A New Mexico network of native schools, called the NACA-Inspired Schools Network, addresses the failure of traditional schooling to incorporate native culture into lessons by designing a culturally relevant curriculum for students. Beyond cultural education, the network also requires students to take at least two Advanced Placement courses and apply to at least 10 colleges to help level the playing field for native students in New Mexico.

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