Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • “Meet a Jew,” Germany's New Scheme to Convince the Country That Jews Are People

    Through the "Meet a Jew" program launched by the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Jewish volunteers visit schools, universities, sports clubs, and religious centers to share their stories with non-Jewish Germans and combat growing antisemitism. The initiative held 540 sessions in 2021 to facilitate conversations about what it means to be Jewish and how Jews fit into German society.

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  • Why Getting Vaccinated at Church Might Be the Future

    To increase vaccination rates, especially among Latino and African American communities, Harris County developed its Partner Incentive Program, which reimburses churches, mosques, and community centers for holding vaccination events. The county offers $50 for every person that gets a first vaccine dose, up to $5,000, and gives a $100 voucher to each individual for their first shot. More than 3,000 vaccinations have taken place at these events, where trusted community leaders are involved.

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  • Could crushed rocks absorb enough carbon to curb global warming?

    Scientists are testing if adding alkaline substances to seawater can allow oceans to absorb more carbon dioxide emissions. Early tests suggest this could be a potential way to combat climate change, but there are still many questions about how this can scale, how it impacts the natural ecosystem, and if it’s cost effective to implement.

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  • Milan Is Winning the Fight Against Food Waste

    A third of food produced, or about 1.3 million metric tons per year, goes to waste. The city of Milan is a pioneer in eliminating food waste. The city launched food waste hubs in 2019. Donations from supermarkets supply the hubs with food that are then donated to families in need. The three hubs save about 130 metric tons of food per year, eliminating the production of 497 metric tons of CO2.

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  • 'Community Ownership' Might Be the Best Way to Fight Deforestation

    Evidence shows that "community-run forests," or forests that are owned and managed by the people that live in the community are better for the environment. In a village in the Democratic Republic of Congo 300 people manage 5,000 hectares of forest. Data shows that the rate of deforestation in 57 community concessions like the one in the village was 23 percent lower than the national average. Community-run forests also provide financial means for the people In Guatemala a community-run generated 9,000 jobs and $6 million in revenue.

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  • Why 'Work from Anywhere' Works for Refugees

    The prevalence of remote work has benefitted workers who previously did not have access to many opportunities. Refugees, who typically need paperwork and work permits that are not readily available, have been able to tap into online work options that eventually improve their quality of life.

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  • France's 'Peevolution' Is Irrigating Farms With Liquid Gold

    Getting rid of urine is very wasteful, in the European Union alone almost 6,000 billion liters of water are used to flush urine. TOOPI Organics is using urine as a resource. Founded in 2019, the biotech company collects urine and using a fermentation process transforms it so it can be used as a fertilizer. Its urine fertilizer helped plants grow 60 to 110 percent more than a traditional mineral fertilizer. Its factory in the city of Bordeaux is able to produce 2,500 liters of organic fertilizer per day.

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  • How Bogotá's Waste Pickers Reinvented Their Jobs for a Modern City

    In Colombia, there are about 50,000 waste pickers, they collect and sort through trash to findrecyclabless to make a living. Their livelihood was threatened in the 1990s after Colombia adopted neoliberal policies that privatized trash collection. However, in 2016 the government officially recognized wastepickers as recycling service providers under a decree. That same year, the government introduced a "second payment," that supplement the income of waste pickers. Coupled, these two policies have improved the livelihood of wastepickers.

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  • In France, Accents Are Now Protected by Law

    The French National Assembly overwhelmingly passed “the Law to Promote the France of Accents,” which criminalizes discrimination against someone based on their accent. The bill makes linguistic discrimination, or “glottophobia,” an offense punishable by up to three years’ jail time and a fine of up to €45,000 (USD$54,000). Early indications of the law's impact include the normalizing of native accents in national discourse, the appointment of a Prime Minister with a strong accent, and the French national broadcaster FranceInfo’s naming “glottophobia” one of the words of 2020.

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  • ‘What's at stake is the life of every being': Saving the Brazilian Cerrado

    The National Campaign in Defense of the Cerrado coalition of Indigenous peoples and organizational partners is fighting political challenges to preserve the region’s native vegetation and biodiversity. The Cerrado is a tropical savanna In Brazil that is home to about 5 percent of the planet’s animal and plant species, yet only 3 percent of the land is under “strict protection” regulations. Pressure from the campaigners has led to a public hearing and proposal with more than 500,000 signatures to declare the region a World Heritage site.

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