Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Meet Oakland California's First Self-Governed, City-Sanctioned Homeless Camp

    The 77th Avenue Rangers homeless encampment in East Oakland won recognition from police and other city agencies, while other encampments were destroyed, thanks to its location away from residential neighborhoods, its constructive relationship with neighboring businesses, and its ability to establish a peaceful, self-governed community. Home to about 35 people for more than a year and a half, the camp provided stability to the lives of unhoused people. Showers, food, medical and social services, and other amenities proved more helpful to residents than what they found on the streets or in city shelters.

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  • An Office Designed for Workers With Autism

    For many people with autism, the modern workplace does not accommodate different needs and workplace etiquette is an artificial barrier to being able to get the job done. Auticon is a U.S. based company that has created a workplace that is comfortable for people with autism and gives them an environment where they can thrive.

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  • Coded by Kids

    School districts can help students qualify for high-tech careers, regardless of their zip code, through investments in networking and mentoring. Coded by Kids was founded in Philadelphia in 2014 to teach underprivileged students computer skills, such as programming and design. Within five years, Coded by Kids has expanded into New Jersey and Delaware, reaching hundreds of kids. The organization has also launched a student-led design firm, Draft Studios.

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  • It's become much harder to rig elections in Nigeria thanks to technology

    Using two-step authentication helps to increase the security of elections. Nigeria has addressed several of the problems that marred its 2007 elections by introducing card readers and permanent voter cards (PVCs) to replace paperwork that could be more easily forged. Nigeria’s electoral commission has also worked with cyber-security experts to implement the upgrades to its election systems. What remains is to ensure compliance with new regulations.

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  • At the Riyadh mall, Saudi women sell everything from lingerie to popcorn. Meet the kingdom's new workforce.

    Changes in the law and social expectations encourage women in Saudi Arabia to enter the workforce outside of the home. With sales-representative positions now open to Saudi women, more women are entering the workforce and claiming a new-found sense of confidence and independence.

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  • Visually impaired Utah students push for accessibility in the arts

    By removing barriers to access, the Accessible Arts Academy empowers visually impaired students to engage with the arts. The three-week program at the Utah Schools for the Deaf and Blind brings together schools and community youth art organizations to give visually impaired students a chance to explore their interests and connect with members of the arts community. In addition to mentorship from visually impaired artists, students learn to work with specialized hardware and software, imparting confidence and inspiring future musicians and engineers alike.

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  • Want to hire a refugee? This program can match you with someone with the right skills

    Talent Beyond Boundaries is an organization that connects refugees with specialized skillsets to employers who can offer them jobs (and visas) in Canada and Australia. For many such refugees, employers traditionally ask for documentation that those fleeing from unsafe conditions cannot provide, but the organizations connect them to jobs, as well as giving English lessons, updating resumes, and conducting practice interviews.

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  • Urban Organics Wants to Fix Food

    Urban Organics is a large-scale aquaponics endeavor growing out of an abandoned brewery building. They grow fish and fresh produce, almost all picked up onsite by locals, thus limiting the carbon footprint of the operation. The implications of the operation is perhaps its biggest feat: if they can prove that aquaponics at this scale is profitable, the entire agricultural industry might be transformed.

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  • Collaborating on co-locating: Chicago's innovative approach to mixed-use facilities

    Some of Chicago's public housing buildings now house a public library on the base floor. The co-location design is a result of a collaboration between the Chicago Public Library and Chicago Housing Authority intended to reduce inefficiencies, cut costs, and better integrate public housing into the city's fabric.

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  • 'Dignity and respect': Dominican factory vows to never be a sweatshop

    In the Dominican Republic, employees at the Alta Gracia factory are paid 2.5 times the national minimum wage, a salary that is widely unheard of in the garment factories that make t-shirts and sports merchandise for American consumers. While the business has sometimes struggled to maintain investors and turn a profit, the guarantee of a living wage has introduced much deserved financial stability in the lives of workers who are often relegated to substandard conditions and minimal wages.

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