Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Mothers in Charge grads exchange prison uniforms for caps and gowns

    A program in Philadelphia works with formerly incarcerated women for an intensive 10-week period where they focus on life skills and changing thought patterns. Women get support and mentoring to examine how they wound up in prison, such as addressing past abuse that undermined their self-esteem. They go through a formal graduation program and learn ways to face challenges as they work to change their lives.

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  • School for underprivileged girls teaches feminist principles in India

    In Lucknow, India, a unique school uses a curriculum grounded in feminist principles to instill confidence and a deep understanding of the country's patriarchal systems in girls from the surrounding impoverished neighborhoods.

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  • A mathematician has created a teaching method that's proving there's no such thing as a bad math student

    In schools around the world, students are troubled by math problems, often due to existing gender and race gaps. Canadian John Mighton is working to overcome this obstacle in education through JUMP Math, or Junior Undiscovered Math Prodegies. The program is now being used by more than 150,000 in Canada and is now make math more accessible to students at all learning levels through "inquiry" and "discovery" based means.

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  • The Most Important Modern Farmer Might Be The Urban Cowboy

    Although urban cities have a variety of options for food, not all food is affordable or healthy. New York City has developed urban agriculture projects, from rooftop gardens to “warehouse hydroponic systems.” The South Bronx’s BLK ProjeK’s Libertad Urban Farm serves the local, low-income community and empowers its women leaders with self-sufficient sustainable food.

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  • The Salvadoran Ex-Guerrilla Who Learned to Read to Stop Corporate Mining

    When Maria Lidia Guardado learned that a Canadian mining company was drilling on her land, she educated herself. Through her new found knowledge she learned her rights, and led her community in a nonviolent effort to legally fight for their land.

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  • Harnessing art to spur entrepreneurship in Live6

    The Live6 area is home to a robust cultural and creative community. And with an increase in development, there's opportunity for artists and institutions to tap into that energy to spur growth.

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  • Sex ed may be a class, but experts say the best education begins at home

    Polls suggest that teenagers’ attitudes and beliefs about sex come mainly from their parents, but parents rarely feel like experts talking about sex. “Talk, the New Sex Ed,” is a non-profit in Pittsburgh which works with parents in an after-school setting, giving them a conversational framework to talk about sex with their children.

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  • Japan: Gun Control

    Japan’s annual gun deaths are in the single digits, thanks to tight regulations on firearms. Even police defuse violence using martial arts rather than guns. Criminals use knives instead and find ways of illegally importing guns, but overall the near-taboo reduces deaths.

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  • Years with no nation, 90 days to become a Minnesotan

    Thousands of refugees are navigating hurdles of integration in the United States. Organizations like the Minnesota Council of Churches provide comprehensive support in a number of areas - from housing to job applications to health insurance paperwork - but all with the end goal of helping the relocated families towards independence and sustainability in their new life.

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  • Why Some Companies Are Trying to Hire More People on the Autism Spectrum

    The unemployment rate for individuals diagnosed on the autism spectrum is a whopping 58%, but a number of pilot programs at big companies are working to increase what is being called "neurodiversity" in the workplace. Inspired by the success of a Dutch organization that helps place autistic workers, firms like EY and Microsoft are finding that employing individuals with unique cognitive abilities benefits not just people, but the company's bottom line.

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