Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • N.H. Businesses Step Up to Help Tackle State's Drug Crisis

    Businesses across New Hampshire are contributing to the fight against the opioid epidemic by increasing efforts to recruit and support employees in recovery from addiction. Strategies include outreach to hire more people in recovery (with possible tax incentives pending as well) and training for workplaces on how to better support people who are struggling with addiction, either for themselves or a loved one.

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  • Assisting the Poor to Make Bail Helps Everyone

    Organizations that supply funds to provide bail for people arrested for misdemeanors not only saves money for taxpayers, but reduces the number of guilty pleas, and could possibly save lives. Those who cannot pay for bail must either await trial in jail or plead guilty, leading to permanent criminal records. Organizations like the Bronx Freedom Fund supply $2,000 or less to help these individuals keep jobs, housing, and reduce the risk of suicide in jail without requiring them to plead guilty.

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  • Americans want fewer prisoners. What's art have to do with it?

    "Songs in the Key of Free" is a program in a Pennsylvania prison brings together inmates to play music and write songs that they perform inside, while professional musicians also play the songs in venues outside prison. The program is just a year old and is based on a successful theater program in California that cut recidivism rates and helped decrease prison infractions. The founders of "Songs in the Key of Free" are creating an album of the work, but after that, future funding is unclear.

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  • Advice for firms to hire former inmates: Let a partner help

    What does a business like IKEA do if they want to hire former prisoners? They listen to a panel of people who have already done it.

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  • The Power of Being Seen

    For a decade, only a little more than half of the students from Washoe Country District graduated. So, school leaders launched a Social Emotional Learning program. That’s because research shows that kids that don’t form emotional connections at school are at a higher risk of dropping out. The “district’s three signature SEL classroom practices [include]: welcome rituals and routines, more engaging or interactive teaching methods, and end-of-class reflections.” In the five years since implementing the program, graduation rates increased by 18 percent.

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  • They Can't Just Be Average

    The almost all-black student body at Ron Brown College Prep are met with an almost all-black faculty, cultural competent and responsive instruction, an understanding of the impact of trauma many students bring to the classroom, and a disciplinary system that emphasizes restorative justice practices over suspension. Expectations are high for each student, and teachers are challenged to provide to close the gap between where many students are and where they should be while still providing engaging work for exceptional students.

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  • For Alcoholic Residents at Dann's House, ‘It Feels Like Home'

    Dann’s House provides housing to homeless alcoholics. While it might seem counterintuitive, residents are allowed to drink on the promises. Evidence shows wet housing leads to a decrease in drinking. “What you’ll find in this harm-reduction environment is that, eventually, spontaneous consumption goes down and health goes up.”

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  • Long-term drug treatment facilities at former Edwin Shaw site aim to fill gaps, prevent relapses

    Two organizations, called Hope United and Restore Addiction Recovery are obtaining land on an old hospital grounds to build long-term treatment facilities for opiate addicts. The idea is that, currently, the longest in-patient treatment programs are only 90 days and addicts need more time than this to recover from their addiction and really get on their feet. These new facilities will be year-long treatment programs and will include support services that continue after discharge, as well.

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  • The ‘Problem Child' Is a Child, Not a Problem

    Isolating or punitive methods in early childhood education can have a lasting effect on a 'problematic' child, leading to greater behavioural problems. Collaborative Problem Solving techniques, such as 'Plan B', require the child and teacher or parent to work together to identify each of their concerns and come up with a mutually beneficial solution, allowing both sides to be heard in a calm environment.

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  • How a Temple professor and a prison inmate started an international movement

    In the Inside-Out Exchange program half of the students are college students, and the other half are prison inmates. The program has “expanded to about 150 correctional institutions across the globe” but the biggest takeaway is the effect it has on people. Students were “ engaged in a way they never had been in the classroom. For the inmates, suddenly their opinions mattered.”

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