Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Uganda: Beauty pageant helping to fight skin cancer among persons with albinism

    Beauty pageants in Uganda are helping to "create awareness for skin cancer among persons with albinism, educate them about their rights, as well as foster capacity development." Although challenges persist, participants and local dermatologists say that the campaign has helped to increase education and decrease discrimination against those with albinism.

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  • One Oregon county has widespread COVID-19 testing. Others aren't so lucky.

    A partnership between Oregon State University and the Benton County Health Department has helped one Oregon county implement TRACE – widespread coronavirus testing that is available even for those who don't show symptoms or who haven't been in contact with someone who has been diagnosed with Covid-19. Although projects such as this are not always financially sustainable, grant funding from organizations, foundations, and OSU has helped increase the viability of TRACE.

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  • The Mask Project offers jobs to unemployed and masks to Arizona's hardest-hit communities

    An interfaith partnership between religions institutions and communities in Arizona has helped provide mask-making jobs to those who have lost their sources of income during the coronavirus pandemic. Participants include many from Latino and Native American communities who have been particularly impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. The project is not only providing enough of an income for these community members to support their families, but it also is working to keep the local communities safe by distributing the masks to those who need them.

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  • Senegal Pledges A Bed For Every Coronavirus Patient — And Their Contacts, Too

    Senegal's success thus far in keeping coronavirus cases at manageable levels is due largely in part to a prioritization of increasing the number of beds available for COVID-19 patients. After years of running epidemic simulations, the Senegalese Health Emergency Operation Center was able to act swiftly when the first cases of COVID-19 were reported, and convert hospital beds into ICU beds and hotel room beds into non-emergent beds.

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  • In quarantine at Gallup hotels

    In Gallup, New Mexico hotels are being used to house those who have been exposed to COVID-19, but have nowhere to safely quarantine themselves. This effort compliments "an aggressive tracing and testing program," and so far has housed around 120 people. Doctors are also working out of the hotels to provide medical attention to those who may need it.

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  • The coronavirus broke the food supply chain. Here's how to fix it.

    The Do-Good Auto Coalition in northern New Jersey is recruiting car dealerships and automakers to help shuttle supplies and food to people experiencing economic hardships during the COVID-19 pandemic. The closing of restaurants, schools, and other businesses has created a disconnect in the food supply chain, with fresh produce stuck on farms with no easy way to get it to consumers. While there’s no quick fix to reduce food waste, the organization is hopeful they can bridge the gap between farmers and people who can’t meet their basic needs.

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  • Philadelphia Based Artists Fill the Walls With Hope, and Public Safety Know-How

    In Philadelphia, a project called Fill the Walls With Hope has come together, pairing public art with hyper-local information. The initiative, which has collaborated with various local organizations, came together as a response to COVID-19 and the need to get out timely, factual public safety messaging. Run by volunteers, the project pays local, participating artists, and has been working with local news outlets to help creatively engage residents.

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  • How the pandemic is reshaping hospital architecture and design

    Adaptations made as Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City during the COVID-19 outbreak to keep health care workers and patients safe are now being used as a blueprint for how to prepare for future health care crises. Working with doctors, health experts and architects, the hospital documented all changes and studied the effectiveness and applicability of enacting the same measures as a more permanent protocol.

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  • Once the coronavirus 'epicenter,' this American city reversed course

    When coronavirus first appeared in the United States, Seattle emerged as an epicenter, but just a few months later, the city and state have largely reduced the overall caseload. Local officials say that a unified approach, consisting of a combination of measured governmental action and strategic conversations between leaders and tech giants, was the key to slowing the spread while also gaining buy-in from state residents.

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  • Las Vegas Mural Project Brings Color to Businesses Closed By Coronavirus

    The City of Las Vegas Redevelopment Agency is providing funding for businesses closed by COVID-19 to board up their windows with public art. Offering up to $2,000 per business, its purpose is to help support local artists who have become unemployed, and bolster public safety by discouraging break-ins. So far, more than 30 businesses have participated, with no mention of ending the program soon.

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