Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Armed with trumpets, S. African men fight crime against women

    Volunteers patrol Soweto township streets, blowing vuvuzelas – the long, plastic trumpets of World Cup fame – to alert women that it is safe to commute to their train or bus stops. The male-led campaign is a response to high rates of street violence, much of it gender-based, and the failure of the police to respond effectively. Thousands of volunteers work in groups of up to 15 to provide the service, which police credit with lowering robberies and other street crime. The patrols often intervene when they witness violence.

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  • Immersion Program Seeks Next Generation Of Rural Doctors

    Rural areas are often underserved when it comes to medical access, but a town in Missouri is working on changing this by immersing medical students in rural life. Offering students a glimpse of small town life while working alongside local healthcare providers, the immersion program serves as a recruitment tool and is showing promise.

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  • People, heal thyselves: Nigeria's new mental illness approach

    In Nigeria, a psychologist and a small group of medical students aimed to change the perception around mental health care by launching an online campaign inviting people to attend a fair. The turnout was so successful, that the group began hosting monthly workshops that have now spread to 13 states across Nigeria.

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  • It Takes a Teenager to Help a Teenager in Crisis

    Connecting to peers makes coping with emotional distress easier for youth. Youthline, a youth suicide crisis intervention service operated by Lines for Life puts those struggling in touch with volunteers their own age via call, text, or email. The youth volunteers are supervised by a clinician and are trained in SafeTALK and Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST).

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  • Sprawling Las Animas County, like many rural areas, badly needs emergency responders. But it's a teachable moment.

    Las Animas County in Colorado is a large rural and remote area which makes it difficult for emergency responders to access people in a timely manner. To address this, emergency medical responder (EMR) classes are being taught in high schools in order to relieve the burden and offer a possibility for a career path to students in the area.

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  • Life-saving surgery but not by a doctor

    In Ethiopia, emergency surgical officers are helping to provide surgical care such as Cesarean sections, that is typically performed by surgeons. Although these health-care providers do not have the full training of surgeons, they have shown comparable success rates and played a significant role in reducing the rate of childbirth deaths.

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  • Can We Turn Down the Temperature on Urban Heat Islands?

    Researchers are using citizen science volunteers to more accurately identify hot spots in cities, where some temperatures are significantly higher than their surrounding areas. The data has also shown that there is a correlation between lower-income neighborhoods and higher temperatures. Climate change is expected to increase the number of extreme weather events, including heat waves, so mapping these urban heat islands can help cities develop new urban planning strategies.

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  • In a Tight Labor Market, a Disability May Not Be a Barrier

    With the assistance of a local non-profit partner, Dell Technologies created a program to recruit employees on the autism spectrum to tap into an under-utilized section of the labor pool. Dell Technologies reflects the national trend to open opportunities to individuals not targeted in current recruiting practices, including stay-at-home parents and retirees as well as people with disabilties.

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  • Rwanda's Model: Progress, With More Work Ahead

    Enrolling local agents allows global partners to connect underserved and remote communities to healthcare. A partnership between Rwanda’s Health Ministry and the Boston-based nonprofit, Partners in Health, trains community-based health workers to communicate and connect people on the ground to health services across the country. Rwanda has also implemented reforms and services such as government-subsided healthcare, which has helped improve the life expectancy of its citizens.

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  • Saving The Planet One Drone At A Time

    As conservationists around the world grapple with saving endangered species, many have turned to the tech sector. Initiatives like The Zooniverse, a citizen science platform for people-powered research, are helping expand over 90 different projects. Even more, scientists have started directly collaborating with technologists to develop products, like weather-resistant cameras for capturing penguins in Antarctica, specially for their work.

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