Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How industrial assets became taxpayer liabilities

    After years of developmental stagnancy, the city of Waterbury, Connecticut puts into action a way for developers to renew buildings without having to take financial responsibility for previous owners' environmental waste. Through a public-private partnership between the city and development investors, developers have begun to break ground on renewing the city's dilapidated factories.

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  • Plastic with a Purpose

    A new social enterprise called rePurpose asks consumers to estimate their plastic usage and pay to offset it. Then, the organization funds worker cooperatives in India that provide more stable employment and pay for workers in the recycling industry. Still in its early stages, rePurpose hopes to collaborate with businesses, schools, and individuals to offset their plastic usage.

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  • The green bank for kids - set up by a child

    José Adolfo Quisocala is no ordinary 14 year old. He started a bank to teach local children to save money, and he is able to help them make money through a recycling program that rewards those who contribute paper and plastic. So far he works with 2,000 children and seven schools, with more demand on the way.

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  • How a 'Communiversity' Works

    Bucking the stereotypes of strained town-gown relations and the removed university, the Mississippi Communiversity is bringing together a community college, research university, local high schools, state and local government, federal government, private businesses, and local individuals to build a truly collaborative academic center. The academically structured, industrially aligned program enjoys funding from all of the above parties mentioned.

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  • Sisters support Nigeria's migrants traumatized by trafficking

    Nigeria’s Committee for the Support of Dignity of Women has helped hundreds of human trafficking victims with temporary shelter, economic aid, and reconciliation with their families. The faith-based program visits schools to warn youth of the dangers of trafficking if they migrate to other countries to flee Nigeria’s poverty. For those who have fallen prey to traffickers and returned home, the program gives them the support they need, including the means to start their own businesses, so that they can again live sustainably and safely in their homeland.

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  • How West Oakland Financed Its Own Grocery Store

    Public investment campaigns can raise capital and attract larger institutional investors. In the neighborhood of West Oakland, the Community Foods Market opened its doors by raising funds through a Direct Public Offering (DPO). In addition to using traditional grant funding and so-called “angel” investors, the Community Foods Market turned community members into investors, giving them partial ownership of their local grocery store.

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  • How Wyoming manages to keep its rural schools open

    In Wyoming, the state's school funding model recaptures money from affluent districts and reallocates it to districts with fewer resources. This unique and heralded system has allowed Wyoming to keep the doors of its rural, one-room rural schoolhouses, which often are a key part of a communities' fabric, open.

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  • How Cities Can Serve Citizens Best Amid a Glut of New Transport Technology

    In the uncertain, ever-shifting landscape of new technology startups trying to change urban mobility, city officials need to prioritize two criteria: mobility policy must promote equity and ensure that options are available to the most number of people and policies must be flexible enough for street and curb space to adapt to the technology. E-scooters and dockless bikes fit these criteria, and city officials must plan around them.

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  • An (Even More) Inconvenient Truth: Why Carbon Credits For Forest Preservation May Be Worse Than Nothing

    This story examines the well-publicized climate-change strategy of carbon credits: the idea that a CO₂-emitting company could offset its emissions by funding anti-logging efforts, effectively "saving" the equivalent amount of carbon. However, as it turns out, despite its popularity, most carbon credit programs do not actually work or, worse, may do more harm than good. This article details the shortcomings of this attempted solution to the effects of global warming.

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  • This Newspaper Hired Homeless People to Report Its Stories

    Street Sense is a biweekly, volunteer-run newspaper whose vendors and content creators are part of the homeless community in Washington, DC. Vendors purchase the issues at a discount and then sell them at a profit, generating an income for themselves, and having the creative outlet of a newspaper allows vendors to tell their stories in their own way. Street Sense Media, the parent organization, also offers vendors workshops in theater, writing, graphic design, podcasting, and more. They also have case workers on staff to help connect vendors with assistance that leads to permanent housing and healthcare.

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