Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Want to save your job and make more money? Buy out your boss

    The owners of Novograf, a UK-based marketing company, faced a challenge when they were ready to retire. They did not want to sell their company and risk a relocation of the factory, which would take away jobs from the local economy. Instead, they sold their company to their employees. Data shows that employee-ownership leads to higher wages and higher job satisfaction. One year after the transition to employee-ownership, Novograf sales grew by 20%.

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  • A New Study Shows How Behind the U.S. Is on Paid Leave—and How It Could Lead

    A new survey and analysis shows that paid leave has a hugely positive impact in quality of life and financial stability. Using examples of what has worked around the world, the report suggests that paid leave should be offered for six months, regardless of length of tenure in a job, and regardless of the size of a business.

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  • When Being Unproductive Saves a Career

    In the United States, executive leaders of non-profits have a high turn-over rate due to workplace fatigue. The Durfee Foundation has pioneered funding 3-month sabbaticals for directors of non-profits to “decompress” so that they can return to work feeling refreshed and productive. Research has shown that these sabbaticals have improved relationships with the board and other organizations. Now more foundations across the country offer funding for sabbaticals.

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  • Companies Realize Benefits Of Pitching In For Child Care

    For many parents childcare can be very expensive, however, recently employers have started helping employees overcome this barrier. Little Apron Academy is a childcare center that Home Depot is partnered with and allows their employees to have an onsite care center that is also more affordable.

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  • In Oregon, You Can Now Save for Retirement. Unless You Object.

    More than half of Americans struggle - especially in recent years with considerable economic and political changes to systems like Social Security - to save for retirement, and it costs states millions in public assistance programs. Oregon is piloting a new solution where the government helps private companies facilitate a small, automatic deduction from employees paychecks and sets it aside into savings, which is proving especially helpful for small businesses in helping their workers plan for retirement.

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  • Art Handlers, Long Overlooked, Push for Better Wages and Union Representation

    Developed out of an Arts & Labor working group during Occupy Wall Street, the Art Handlers Alliance (AHA) advocates for fair compensation and improved hiring practices for art handlers. Using a “bill of rights” as a template, the AHA has been part of negotiations between employers and unions that represent some art handlers—such as the Teamsters—and obtained for workers increased compensation and benefits.

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  • A system of support: How Ontario sets its teachers up to succeed

    Part 3 of the "Equity or Bust: Are Ontario's Public Schools a Model for Pennsylvania" Series: Ontario is widely lauded for its education system, celebrated for both high performance and relatively smaller achievement gaps between wealthy and poor students. One of the key factors to their success is rigorous preparation of and support for their teachers. Pennsylvania, meanwhile, struggles to find and retain educators.

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  • As Philly's inmate population plummets, why aren't we saving any money?

    Reducing inmate populations doesn’t necessarily cut costs. The funding equation is far more complex. Complying with employee pension laws, offering more services to inmates, and other growing costs can replace any savings from reforms that shrink the incarcerated population.

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  • Employers Add ‘a Cheap Place to Live' to List of Staff Perks

    For publishing companies located in major metropolises, housing costs can present a significant challenge to successfully recruiting and retaining staff. To address this issue, the Hachette and Penguin Random House publishing groups have created initiatives to provide interns with subsidized housing. Working with the Book Trade Charity—which has traditionally provided subsidized housing for retirees from the publishing industry—these publishing groups have invested in the refurbishment of apartments and are offering them at below market rate to applicants selected for internship programs.

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  • Terms of Service: Rethink Kitchen

    One restaurant's profit-sharing business model has removed tips entirely from their establishment, replacing it with benefits and business training. Giving employees a stake in the success of the restaurant has reduced staff turnover, created a better working environment, increased morale, and made employees more financially and emotionally invested in the success of the business. Employees are paid a baseline hourly rate in addition to splitting quarterly profits.

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