Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Sacred Conversations: This Battle Creek book group tackles race and healing through words and action

    A very special 15-person book club in Battle Creek, Michigan is using the book club format to discuss hard topics like race. The conversations steer profound, intimate, and personal, and many members testify to how much it has changed them. In addition to having read 68 books, the group also performs social justice work such as donating to the Equal Justice Initiative, rolling bandages for doctors in the DRC, and donating food and goods to local pantries.

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  • These Young Activists Are Fighting Chicago's Gun Violence With Lobbying and Group Hugs

    A group in Chicago called Good Kids, Mad City is made up of youth who have been affected by gun violence. They offer support and accountability to each other and use the group as a way to cope with the daily violence they face every day. In addition to the therapeutic benefits of the group, the youth have even lobbied and passed legislation that expunges non-violent marijuana offenses as part of the state’s marijuana legalization proposal.

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  • How Chicago Is Facing Its Violent History

    Discussing history can help communities heal from racial violence and trauma. Organizations like the Greater Bronzeville Action Plan, the Chicago Race Riot of 1919 Commemoration Project (CCR19), and the Chicago Center for Youth Violence Prevention are helping the Bronzeville community heal from the violence of the twentieth century by promoting education and commemoration about events like the historic 1919 riots. Partnerships between organizations such as these raise the level of discourse surrounding issues of racial trauma, promoting long-term social healing.

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  • How giving entrepreneurs 30 days of free retail space revived a North Avenue storefront and built a collective

    Pop-Up MKE was a pilot program that provided a risk-free way for artists to see if their products would sell in a retail space by giving 19 urban entrepreneurs 30 days of free retail space and mini-grants up to $2,000. Four participants formed The Bronzeville Collective MKE LLC and, after negotiating to stay in the retail space, they doubled their own sales and feature products from other creatives, particularly entrepreneurs of color. They split the rent four ways and collect a 20% vendor fee. Other participants in the pilot moved to permanent storefronts and/or expanded their retail presence.

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  • How Soil Acts as a Living Witness to Racial Violence

    Soil collection ceremonies offer a meaningful way to help cope with and create institutional memory of racial violence across the United States. The Equal Justice Initiative is working to keep the victims of lynching and racial violence alive in America’s collective memory by promoting a practice common across cultures—the collection of soil. Communities collect soil from sites of racially motivated killings into jars, which are then displayed at the National Memorial for Peace and Justice and Legacy Museum in Montgomery, Alabama.

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  • In Detroit, one organization is schooling Muslims on racial justice

    In a movement that started from a trending hashtag on Twitter - #BeingBlackandMuslim - scholars and activists around the country are working to reduce stereotypes about Black Muslims. Organizations that arose from the movement now compile toolkits, syllabi, and other educational materials about being Black and Muslim in America, and how stereotypes and racism is perpetuated both within and outside religious communities.

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  • Reimagining Norman Rockwell's America

    In the midst of a seemingly increasingly divided political and racial landscape, some artists of color are pushing back to create art that represents their own non-White communities. Some artists have chosen to do this by recreating Norman Rockwell’s paintings, which in the earlier part of his career mainly showcased White people. “The image haunted me because of the world we live in,” the artist said, referring to today’s divisive political climate. “I wanted to imagine what it would look like today.”

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  • This Nonprofit Is Calling Out Racism In Unexpected Places Audio icon

    Governing Hope, an anti-racism organization, is combating racism in Portland by asking white people to pay reparations. The organization created an event called “Reparations Power Hour,” which invites people of color for a discussion and food. They also receive $10 for showing up. The money is donated primarily by white people. “ We call on folks to imagine what reparations in their own communities could look like.”

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  • A movement for police accountability is on Nashville's November ballot

    The killing of Jocques Clemmons, an unarmed black man that was shot by a white officer in Tennessee, became the catalyst that spurred a community to action. A community oversight board would be in charge of investigating police misconduct by the MNPD. Grassroots organizers, activists, and residents fulfilled the 4,000 signatures needed for a referendum vote on the board, and if approved would join a growing movement that is trying to address police shootings of unarmed black men. “More than 200 cities already have boards in place with varying degrees of success.”

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  • Alternative museum tours explore colonial loot, biased narratives

    Uncomfortable art tours, long-term loans, and code of conducts, are all methods Europeans museums are using to confront the racist history behind paintings and artifacts in their exhibitions. They’re also trying to confront the unjust methods in which some artifacts have been taken from non-European countries. “While museums continue to argue that they are neutral spaces, the fact is that they are not. There is always one side of the story that has been privileged over the other in these spaces, and we need to be more honest and open about that.”

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