Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • After #EndSARS, community support helps Nigerians heal wounds

    To help alleviate the psychological toll of protesting against the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) in Lagos, two advocacy groups spearheaded a helpline that connected callers with counselors and listeners. The helpline uses task-sharing, so that calls are routed to either trained mental health counselors or psychotherapists and psychiatrists, depending on the severity of the concerns.

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  • A New Tool in Treating Mental Illness: Building Design

    Across the U.S. an influx of new mental health facilities are being designed through a lens of "evidence-based" architecture that aims to use the design itself as a means of treatment. With studies indicating that access to nature and green space can reduce stress, these new facilities aren't "just about being warm and fuzzy."

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  • State effort seeks to counter mental health problems worsened by pandemic

    Resilient Arizona is a crisis counseling program that is funded by a federal grant and managed by the Crisis Response Network to mitigate the mental health effects of the pandemic. The crisis counseling is intended to help avoid progression of mental health concerns and the program is free and anonymous to all residents. Services are available in Spanish and English, with 23% of clients identifying as Latinx and Hispanic and 10% Spanish-speaking. After calling a help line, residents are connected to one of six contracted providers across the state. The program served 2,316 people from April to August 2020.

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  • Swords to Plowshares Providing In-Person Veterans Services During Pandemic

    A drastic decrease in homelessness among veterans in San Francisco has been credited to the efforts of Swords to Plowshares, which is a veterans services group. Wraparound services helped veterans find temporary housing, permanent housing, mental health services, and help finding jobs.

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  • Veteran homelessness in Chittenden County has dropped significantly. Here's what it took.

    Canal Street Veterans Housing was instrumental in ending veteran homelessness in Chittenden County, Vermont. The program provided two years of transitional housing for veterans and their families, job training services, and mental health care. An emphasis was put on providing mental and physical health screenings to help those dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder.

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  • Minority US contact tracers build trust in diverse cities

    A contact tracing program jointly launched by San Diego State University and San Diego County is helping to combat misinformation and dispel fears for immigrants, refugees, and minorities in San Diego by employing ethnically and racially diverse community members. The contact tracers help those who need to quarantine devise a plan to do so safely, while also acting as community health care workers to help those families get the necessities they need.

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  • Firefighters work through PTSD with peer support, counseling

    A counseling program introduced at Glendale Fire Department has now spread to a handful of other departments across the state after reporting that a significant percentage of firefighters were using the counseling services and had used fewer sick hours. The program offers individual counseling, group support, and training on peer counseling.

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  • Minnesota has figured out a way to help stressed farmers. Can it be replicated?

    The Rural Mental Health Outreach program in Minnesota is helping farmers in the region to tackle mental health challenges that are related to the stresses involved in their profession. Other states have taken notice of the program's success and are now piloting similar programs as a means of addressing a rising concern of suicide within the farming industry.

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  • Camp Resilience, a local life-changer for vets

    In New Hampshire, a healing and bonding program is offering veterans and first responders experiencing symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder ways to cope with their stressors. From social interactions to equine therapy, participants have reported that the program has had a positive impact on their wellbeing.

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  • Suicide hotline offers young people hope and a chance to talk with peers

    In Arizona, a teen-run suicide prevention hotline connects teens who need someone to talk to with a peer operator who works to listen to and calm the caller. The volunteer teenage operators don't offer medical advice but do undergo clinician-supervised training that includes active listening, collaborative problem solving and the ability to connect with callers.

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