Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How Resilience Hubs Can Help Communities Face The Heat And The Climate Emergency

    Trusted and popular community buildings across Los Angeles are being retrofitted with solar panels and batteries, so they can also function as resilience hubs during extreme heatwaves or other disasters. This way, they provide helpful resources outside of disaster protection and people are more likely to use them.

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  • An Ancient Desert-Dwelling Culture Embraces Hydroponics

    A nonprofit in India focused on supporting farmers, Urmul Seemant Samiti, is helping pastoralists transition to using hydroponics to grow fodder for their livestock amid increasing droughts. Alongside hydroponic fodder startup Hydrogreens, the organization trains pastoralists to use sprinkler systems to create fog that waters their indoor crops.

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  • Are Cooling Materials A Solution To Fight Urban Heat?

    A neighborhood group and a roofing company in Los Angeles, California, painted streets, parking lots, and a schoolyard with a “cool pavement” coating that reflects the heat from the sun. The coating keeping the surface cooler and providing relief from the urban heat island effect.

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  • How Farmers Used California's Floods to Revive Underground Aquifers

    Tulare Irrigation District in California encourages farmers to flood their fields with water during the wet season, so it can slowly seep underground and recharge the groundwater aquifers. Those who do so earn credit that can be redeemed during the dry season to extract more water than they would otherwise be allowed.

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  • These thermal images show how Phoenix uses technology to keep cool

    The Office of Heat Response and Mitigation works to address the urban heat effect caused by intense summer temperatures. The Office has worked on several practices like coating streets and surfaces in light-colored, water-based asphalt treatments that reflect sunlight and absorb less heat than standard pavement. So far, 100 miles of residential roads have been covered in the treatment and roads with the treatment have an average surface temperature that is 10.5 to 12 degrees Fahrenheit lower than traditional asphalt.

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  • Bengal banana farmers bask in sunshine

    Farmers in West Bengal, India, are swapping rice for bananas to save on expenses and labor and adapt to increasingly erratic monsoons and rainfall impacting yields. The farmers use solar panels and drip irrigation setups funded by the state government to reduce emissions and minimize water loss, as bananas require a lot of water.

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  • A crowdfunded community initiative evacuated over 6,000 South Sudanese citizens out of Khartoum

    The Citizen's Call for the Emergency Evacuation of the South Sudanese collective arose after a lack of government action to help evacuate people pushed locals to start a crowdfunding campaign to facilitate the evacuations themselves. Through the use of social media, community meetings and press conferences the collective called upon locals and organizations to donate to the cause. The money was then used to pay truck drivers to help transport evacuated people. So far, these efforts have helped 6,600 individuals.

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  • Amid Severe Drought, Arizona Turns to Sustainable Farming

    Tucson-based Mission Garden’s crops are thriving in a drought-stricken region because of the use of techniques and knowledge from the Tohono O’odham Nation to plant traditional local crops and native plants that can handle the lack of water.

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  • The River Walk transformed San Antonio. Could Panther Island do the same for Fort Worth?

    A grassroots campaign to build out a river walk with walkable commercial and residential districts boosted economic development while improving flood control in San Antonio, Texas.

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  • US Forest Service and historically Black colleges unite to boost diversity in wildland firefighting

    In an effort to increase diversity in the forestry and fire industry, the U.S. Forest Service partners with several historically Black colleges and universities to run an on-site fire academy that gives students the credentials to start a career. Participating students learn fire fighting and forestry practices in class, then put them to use during instructor-supervised prescribed burn demonstrations.

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