Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Seeing the forest through the trees?

    A new timber mill in Costilla County could majorly improve the forest health of the greater region by thinning undergrowth to reduce risk of wildfires, curbing the spread of invasive insects, and decreasing the demand for water in the face of drought. The mill could also create jobs and further economic development for the area.

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  • Sharing the shortage

    Farmers and land owners in the Rio Grande del Rancho region are using a collaborative, community-based approach fostered by acequias to ensure better sharing of water resources in times of scarcity.

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  • Can cutting down trees protect New Mexico's water?

    New Mexico adapts an innovative forestry idea from Quito, Ecuador, to prevent unpredictable and untamable forest fires. The application of this idea, called the Rio Grande Water Fund, raises money around the Rio Grande valley to pay for the thinning of overgrown forests on private and public lands. When trees are thinned out in dense areas, it's more difficult for fires to jump from the ground to the tree tops, which inhibits the rapid spreading of flames we've seen in recent years.

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  • After years of drought and overuse, the San Luis Valley aquifer refills

    An over-taxed basin in Colorado is getting its water use under control through the sub-district project, an innovative user-led solution for solving water problems.

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  • When the River Rises: an investigative report on flooding in Richland County, Ohio

    As farmers continue to experience floods—and lack control over the dredging of the rivers running through their farms—a few have looked to homegrown solutions, and others to amending policy to create "subdistricts."

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  • Preparing cities for warmer and wetter weather

    Pennsylvania is the second most flood prone state in the United States. Many city and county governments, however, are working to prevent and protect the state from detrimental damage. They have created sustainable infrastructure initiatives and flood insurance policies to plan and prepare for flooding.

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  • The Internet Mapmakers Helping Nepal

    Whenever there’s a natural catastrophe, a team of “crisis mappers” activate around the world. These volunteers use crowdsourcing tools to turn satellite data into digital maps, which are then used to make decisions on the ground, enabling rescuers to deliver food, shelter, and supplies to areas that need them most.

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  • In Texas, Mexican Firefighters Are Saving the Rio Grande

    The Rio Grande River runs between the border of the United States and Mexico and supplies water to 5 million people across the nations. With wildfires continuously threatening the health of the river, an international firefighting crew known as Los Diablos are working to implement controlled, prescribed burns to rid the area of an invasive plant species that fuels the fires.

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  • NASA Responds to an S.O.S. of Historic Proportions

    Technology used in outer space has huge potential to mitigate the effects that earthquakes have on buildings in America. Throughout testing and prototyping the project, the NASA team at the Marshall Space Flight Center has found ways that their technology can apply to commercial buildings or even historic monuments, such as the Washington Monument. The technology, disruptive tuned mass, has applications in space as well as in day-to-day life.

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  • They survived the earthquake. Now they're determined to keep their village healthy.

    For one village in Nepal, there's a silver lining to the earthquake: A year later, a new and better health clinic is rising from the rubble of the old. And it includes a birthing center.

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