Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Youth Empowerment

    Across New Hampshire, youth are leading the fight against substance abuse. Programs like Dover’s Youth-to-Youth, Stand Up Sachems, Youth Leadership Through Adventure, and the Making it Happen Coalition, are all youth-led, adult-supported initiatives that are empowering young adults to create and disseminate substance abuse awareness and prevention campaigns. Fundamental to each of these efforts effective communication and creating a sense of community as key to prevention.

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  • The Brazilian photographer and the 20-year reforestation project of over 2.7 million trees

    A Brazilian photographer and his wife set out to restore devastated land in the late 1990s by replanting the forest, which would in turn bring back the wildlife. To date the pair and their organization, Instituto Terra, have replanted more than 2 million trees, seen the return of over 500 different species of birds, mammals, amphibians, and flora, and brought back to life the 8 natural springs on the land. There only remains 10% of the land to restore, and at the same time they've also developed more than 700 educational projects that reach over 65,000 people across the nation.

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  • The red state that loves free college

    In Tennessee, a current program for free community college for all residents is overwhelmingly popular; the program has been framed as a necessary tool for job training and economic development, funded through lottery revenues and including requirements for community service to avoid the "entitlement" label that would turn away many Republican supporters. While preliminary research shows it's been successful so far, critics contend that the program doesn't do enough to eliminate barriers to education for low income students.

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  • The ‘Moneyball' solution for higher education

    Georgia State University's predictive analytics system has helped students graduate by flagging at-risk students using a variety of factors, including college and high school grades, financial aid statuses, and more. While other universities attempt to scale the program to increase retention at their universities as well, serious concerns about privacy and surveillance persist, as do hesitations regarding the cost of expanding advisory services as Georgia State has done.

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  • Rutgers makes a push for competent Spanish-speaking health professionals in Camden

    In Camden, New Jersey, 40 percent of the population 5 years or older speaks Spanish at home. However, only 5 percent of graduates from medical schools in the state identify as Hispanic or Latino. In an effort to shift these statistics and provide better care to the city's Spanish-speaking residents, Rutgers University requires undergraduates interested in health professions to take language classes and practice Spanish in a medical context.

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  • Boulder Valley schools seeing resurgence of Latino parent activism

    Boulder Valley schools are working with Latino parents to create networks of community support, feedback, and insight about the success of Latino children in the district. Parents are working with the school district to make sure stereotypes and racial bias aren't limiting their children from receiving food services and quality education that fit their needs.

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  • How to reduce light pollution, an underestimated threat to our environment

    There is so little artificial light in Flagstaff that you can see the Milky Way from downtown. The city has banned sweeping searchlights, required outdoor light to be shielded downwards, and switched illumination on all roadways and parking lots to low-pressure sodium lights. Annual “star parties” and other events keep residents committed to reducing light pollution, which has big impacts on human and animal health.

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  • An Online Tool to Catch Workplace Sexual Predators

    Callisto Campus has given students at 12 colleges a secure, online place to record the details of sexual misconduct and to spot repeat offenders using a system that removes barriers to reporting abuse. Survivors who used it were six times more likely to report assaults to campus authorities. The company that makes the system is testing it for use in the workplace, after learning from female startup founders how frequently they were harassed by investors. Callisto Expansion, the workplace version, may face more reluctance among employers unwilling to make it easier to report harassment and assaults.

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  • Action Civics in Schools

    A Massachusetts law requires the public school system to teach an experiential civics curriculum so that young people graduate with the basic skills and confidence to become informed and active citizens. The curriculum led to a student-organized "Civics Day" event at the Statehouse, where they were able to speak with political representatives and other officials. A handful of other states have similar laws, which advocates believe will lead to greater voter turnout when the youth become 18.

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  • How This Southern City Is Making Tech Work for People

    Successful public private collaborations promote civic innovations that add value to communities. Programs that bring together nonprofits, tech start-ups, universities, and city leaders are helping Birmingham, Alabama, emerge as a model city for tech innovation in the region. Initiatives such as Innovate Brigham and the NHabitBham housing database use grants from the city and federal government, and donations from other partners to fund collaborations. While empowering residents by gathering and providing access to data on the wellbeing of Birmingham’s communities, these programs also add value to the city.

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